Contraindications Flashcards
Of the 2 models, what provides a list of absolute contraindications?
The Ontario Model
List the 17 general absolute Contraindications
- Acute stage Pneumonia
- Advanced kidney failure (MT with Medical Consent)
- Advanced respiratory failure (MT Medical Consent)
- Diabetes with complications (gangrene, advanced heart or kidney disease, very high or unstable blood pressure)
- Eclampsia-toxemia pregnancy
- Hemophilia
- Hemorrhage
- Liver failure (MT MC)
- Postcerebrovascular accident (CVA, stroke) condition not yet stabilized
- Post myocardial infarction (MI, heart attack) condition not yet stabilized
- Severe atherosclerosis
- Severe hypertension (if unstable)
- Shock (all types)
- Significant fever (higher than 101)
- Acute conditions that require first aid
- Some highly metastatic cancers not judged to be terminal
- Systemic contagious/infectious condition
What are some acute conditions that require first aid?
- Anaphylaxis
- Appendicitis
- Diabetic coma
- Insulin shock
- Epileptic seizure
- MI
- Pneumothorax, atelectasis
- Severe asthma attack, status asthmaticus
- Syncope
Out of the general CI, what conditions may be possible to have modified treatment with medical consent?
- Advanced kidney failure
- Advanced respiratory failure
- Liver failure
Of the local areas to avoid/modify massage, what may be general CI, depending on the case or location?
- Acute flare-up of inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter’s syndrome)
- Aneurysms deemed life-threatening (location)
- Phlebitis, phlebothrombosis, arteritis, (if located in a major circulatory channel)
Of the general conditions that require an awareness of possible side effects from MT, what conditions may be CI, depending on cause?
Of the local areas that require an awareness of the possibility of adverse side effects, what conditions may be CI depending on location and condition?
- Aneurysm (location)
- Buerger’s disease (if unstable)
Important considerations: MT are expected to know this when dealing with possible CI
How and when to consult with physicians and other health care professionals
Important consideration:
What effects massage treatment?
What may be a factor?
Individual decisions must be made according to what?
- Emotional and psychiatric conditions
- Medications may be a factor
- Case circumstances and in many instances, medical advice
The client may be allergic to?
- Certain massage oils
- creams
- cleansers
- disinfectants used on sheets and tables
Presence of this may alter treatment indications
Pins, staples, or artificial joints
List 22 general CI
- Any condition of spastic and rigidity
- Asthma
- Cancer
- Chronic kidney disease
- Medications that alter sensations, muscle tone, standard reflex reactions, cardiovascular function, kidney or liver function, personality
- Coma (may be CI depending on cause)
- Dx artherosclerosis
- Drug withdrawl
- Emphysema
- Epilepsy
- Hypertension
- Immunosuppressed client
- Antiinflammatory arthritides
- Major or abdominal surgery
- Moderately severe or juvenile-onset diabetes
- MS
- Osteoporosis, osteomalacia
- Pregnancy and labor
- Post MI
- Post CVA
- Recent head injury
List 24 local CI
- Acute herniated disc
- Aneurysm (maybe CI, location)
- Any acute inflammatory condition
- Any anti-inflammatory treatment site
- Any chronic or long standing superficial thrombosis
- Buerger’s disease (maybe CI, unstable)
- Chronic arthritic condition
- Chronic abdominal or digestive disease
- Chronic diarrhea
- Contusion
- Endometriosis
- Flaccid paralysis or paresis
- Fracture (while casted and immediately after removal)
- Hernia
- Joint instability or hypermobility
- Kidney infection, stone
- Mastiris
- Minor surgery
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Pitting edema
- Portal hypertension
- Prolonged constipation
- Recent abortion/vaginal birth
- Trigeminal neuralgia
List pain killers and what they do
- Aspirin, acetaminophen, ibupfrofen, codeine, vicodin, percocet etc
- Alter sensation/response
Deep Effleurage is generally contraindicated for
- Acute illness
- Cardiovascular conditions
- Fever
- Contagious disease