Contraindicated Exercises Flashcards
Reasons for CI: Forward Flexion toe touches and windmills
- ) Long Lever w Heavy Load
- ) Ant compresses, Post bulges
- ) Hamstrings have to contract to maintain balance so cannot be stretched as effectively
- ) load bearing with extreme flexion occurring
- ) Discs being twisted with rotation and percussive forces if windmills are occurring
Reasons for CI: Back Bends
- ) Facets bear weight during hyperextension
- ) post compresses, ant bulges
- ) long lever
- ) extreme extension w/load
Correction for Back Bends
support the spine using hands to take some load off the upper body
Reason for CI: Hip extension w/ excessive height
- ) Percussive stress of vertebral discs
- ) long lever
- ) Momentum forces
Correction for Hip extension w/ excessive height
- ) keep spine in neutral alignment
- ) go slow to avoid percussive forces
- ) keep within normal range on motion (20 degrees)
Reason for CI: Hip Abduction w/ Excessive Height
- ) Long lever force
- ) Hip flexion occurs, rather than hip abduction after 45 degrees of hip abudction
- ) Lateral portion compresses the other lateral portion bulges
- ) Discs are twisted w/ percussion when spine is twisted and pelvis rotated
Correction for Hip Abduction w/ Excessive Height
Hip abduction within 45 degrees ROM w/o momentum and keep the spine in neutral alignment
Reason for CI: External Hip Rotation (Fire Hydrants)
- ) Long lever with heavy load
- ) can loosen the SI joint
- ) can irritate the sciatic nerve
- ) Discs are twitsted with percussion when spine is twisted and pelvis rotated
- ) Compression/ bulging of spine
Correction for Fire Hydrants
Keep within the 45 degrees ROM and maintain neutral pelvic alignment when the hip moves.
Reasons for CI: Double Leg Lifts and Full Sit Ups
- ) Lumbar traction
- ) Long lever with heavy load
- ) Actually doing hip flexion and not spinal flexion
Correction for Double Leg Lifts
supine spinal flexion
Reason for CI: Full Sit Ups
1.) compression of facet joints during spinal ext
2.) compression of post portion of vertebrae during ext
3.) compression of ant portion of vertebrae during flexion
actually doing hip flexion after 45-50 degrees of spinal flexion
4.) Lumbar traction
Correction for Full Sit Ups
Don’t go up as far and keep cervical spine in neutral alignment. can be done by supporting the head
Reasons for CI: Hurdlers Stretch
- ) Rotation of femur relative to tibia
- ) load bearing during extreme flexion
- ) Compressing cartilage of knee while load bearing
* **note: other problems with the spine such as discs bulging and compressing if lying supine.
Correction for Hurdlers Stretch
hip extension with the knee flexed without load and without twisting the tibia relative to the femur
Reasons for CI: Full Squat/Grand Plies
- ) load bearing and extreme flexion of the knee
- ) compresses the cartilage of the knee with heavy load
- ) stretches ligaments of the knee
Correction for grand plies and full squats
knee flexion that does not exceed 90 degrees
Reasons for CI: Deep Lunges
- ) Load bearing with extreme flexion of the knee
- ) momentum and deceleration forces
- ) can compress cartilage of the knee with heavy load
Correction for Deep Lunges
- ) Decr Momentum
2. ) Knee flexion should not go past 90 degrees
Reasons for CI: Plow (goal is to stretch the back)
- ) Long lever
- ) Extreme flexion on the cervical spine with a load
- ) anterior potion of discs are compressed and posterior bulges
- ) could pinch nerves in the cervical spine
- ) compression of disc
Correction for Plow
Supported Spinal Flexion
Reasons for CI: Neck Extension/Flexion
- ) Potential to pinch nerves running thru the cervical spine
- ) can put too much load on the facet joints of the cervical spine
Reasons for CI: Excessive Shoulder Flexion
- ) Impingement
- ) Long Lever
- ) Percussive Forces
General advice to decr risk (7 total)
- ) decr load
- ) shorten lever length
- ) decr speed
- ) slow rate of progression
- ) incr motor skills
- ) proper warm up and cool down
- ) adapt exercise to allow protection of spine and other joints