Contractual means of entering foreign markets Flashcards
Intellectual Property
Ideas or works created by firms or individuals, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Includes such knowledge-based assets of the firm or individuals as industrial designs, trade secrets, inventions, works of art, literature, and other “creations of the mind”.
Advantages and disadvantages of Licensing
Advantages for licensor Low investment Low involvement Low effort, once established Low-cost initial entry strategy
Disadvantages for licensor
Performance depends on the foreign licensee
Licensor has limited control over its asset(s) abroad
Runs the risk of creating a future competitor
Largest Global franchisor
Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising
Advantages for franchiser:
Low investment;
Can internationalise quickly to many markets;
Low effort, once established; and
Can leverage franchisees’ local knowledge.
Disadvantages for franchiser:
Maintaining control over franchisees may be difficult;
Franchiser has limited control over its assets abroad;
Risks creating a future competitor.
Challenges of licensing and franchising in emerging markets
Most residents of developing economies and emerging markets lack sufficient income to patronise restaurants.
Most do not live in the major urbanised areas where international franchisors are concentrated.
Laws in such countries vary and often evolve quickly.
Food and eating habits are rooted in national culture.
Successful franchisors carefully study economic, demographic, legal, and cultural dimensions before targeting foreign countries them with franchises.
Global treaties safeguarding intellectual property
Paris Convention for the Protection of IP.
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers and Broadcasting Organizations.
The WTO created the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).