Contracts Rule Language Flashcards
Article 2
“Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) applies to transactions in goods. Goods are things moveable at the time of identification to the contract. A contract under Article 2 may be made in any manner sufficient to show agreement, including conduct by bother parties which recognizes the existence of such contract.”
A person makes an offer when the person communicates to another a statement of willingness to enter into a bargain so that the other understands that his assent tot he bargain is invited and will conclude it.” The terms of an offer need to be reasonably certain.
At common law, a statement is a counteroffer, rather ant an acceptance, when the terms of the initial offer are changed (mirror image rule).
Options K
General, an offer may be revoked before acceptance. A promise to hold an offer open requires consideration in order to be binding (unless the UCC firm offer exception applies).
Acceptance is a manifestation of assent tot the terms of an offer made in a manner invited by the offer.
A rejection is manifestation of intent to not accept the offer. It terminates the offer’s power to accept an offer. It is effective when received by the offeror.
Consideration is a legal detriment or bargained for exchange. A promise to make a gift does not constitute consideration.
Pre-Existing Duty Rule
Under common law, promising to perform a legal duty already owed to a promisor is not valid consideration. Exceptions include if the duty is changed (even slightly), unforeseen circumstances, etc.
“It is true that some costs now will allow a contract to be modified without additional consideration of the modification is ‘fair and equitable’ in view of circumstances not anticipated when the contract was made.”
“This usually means that a party encountered difficulties in performing bordering on impracticability.”
Gap Fillers
A contract for the sale of goods does NOT fail because one or more terms are missing if the parties intended to make a contract and there is an appropriate remedy for breach.
Gap fillers include course of performance, course of dealing, and trade usage.
Performance Requirements (Common law vs. UCC)
Under common law, a party must substantially perform its contractual obligations in order to demand performance (usually payment) from the other party. Courts will look at several factors to determine whether performance was substantial.
The UCC Art. 2 requires perfect tender for one shot deals.
Buyer’s Ability to Reject Goods
A buyer can generally reject goods for any reason under the perfect tender rule (There are exceptions to this–eg installment contracts)
Buyer’s ability of revocation of acceptance of goods (4 Scenarios)
If a buyer accepts the goods, he can no longer reject them.
BUT, a buyer can revoke his acceptance of the goods when:
1. the nonconformity substantially impairs the value to him;
2. he accepted the goods because he had a reasonable belief the non conformity would be cured (and it wasn’t), or he didnt discover the nonconformity because the nonconformity was difficult to discover, or because of seller’s assurances;
3. he revokes within a reasonable time after he discovers or should’ve discovered the nonconformity; AND
4. he revokes before any substantial change in condition of the goods which is not caused by their own defect.
Anticipatory Repudiation
This occurs when there is an unequivocal manifestation by one party to the other that the party cannot or will not perform its obligations under the contract and this statement is made BEFORE the repudiating party’s performance is due.
Prospective Inability to Perform
This occurs when a party has reasonable grounds for insecurity that the other party is unable or unwilling to perform. This is merely doubt.
Under the UCC, the party may then, in writing, demand adequate assurance of performance, and until she receives such assurance, may suspend her performance.
Retracting a Repudiation
the party who has repudiated can retract his repudiation unless th other party cancelled the contract, materially changed his position in reliance on the repudiation, or indicated that she considered the repudiation to be final.