Contracts 4: Defenses Flashcards
§261 Discharge by superseding impracticability
After a contract is made (post contract formation)
1) party without fault by occurrence of event
2) non-occurrence of (some bad event) was a basic assumption (§262-264)
UNLESS language to contrary
THEN duty to perform discharged
§262 Death or incapacity of person necessary for performance
If death/incapacity makes performance impracticable is non-occurrence of basic assumption
THEN satisfied element of §261
§263 Destruction, Deterioration or failure to come into existence of thing necessary for performance
If existence of particular thing needed to preform (bad event) that makes performance impracticable is of non-occurrence of basic assumption
THEN satisfied element of §261
§264 Prevention by governmental regulation or order
If performance of duty is made impracticable by complying with domestic or foreign government; that regulation order is a non-occurrence that was basic assumption
THEN satisfied element of §261
§265 Discharge by Supervening Frustration
§265 Discharge by Supervening Frustration
After written contract is made
Party’s principal purpose is substantially frustrated without his fault
The non-occurrence (of bad event) that was a basic assumption
UNLESS language to the contrary
THEN duty is discharged
§344 Purpose of remedies (3 ways)
A) expectation interest (post contract
Benefit of bargain put in position as good if contract was performed
B) Reliance interest (pre contract)
Reimbursed for loss caused by reliance if contract has not been made
C) restitution interest (pre contract)
Restore any benefit that he has conferred on the other party
§347 Measurement of expectation damages (statement and formula
Subject to limitations in §350-53, injured party has damages expectation interest: A+B-C= damages
A) the loss in value to him of the other party’s performance caused by its failure or deficiency PLUS (expected value- actual value)
B) any other loss, including incidental or consequential loss caused by the breach, LESS
C) any cost or other loss that he has avoided by not having to perform (Expected cost – actual cost)+ avoid other loss
Crabby case difference vs restatement for calculating damages
Crabby can overcompensate
-does not factor in cost/loss avoided