Contracts Flashcards
Is the meeting of the minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or render some service
Stages of Contract
The first stage where the parties begin the inital negotiation and bargaining for the formation of the contract ending at the moment og agreement of the parties
Conception or Generation
Stages of Contract
The parties had a meeting of minds as to the object, cause or consideration and other terms and conditions of the contract
Perfection or Birth
Stages of Contract
The last stage which consists in their perfomance or fulfilment by the aprties of their obligations under the term of the perfected contract
Consummation or Fulfillment
Characteristics of a Contract
- Autonomy
- Mutuality
- Obligatory
- Relativity
- Consensually
Relativity of Contracts
Contacts only take effect between…
The parties or their assigned and heirs
Relativity of Contracts
A contract can only obligate…
the parties who entered into it, or their successor who assumed their personalities, and that, concomitantly, a contract can neither favor nor prejudice third persons
Relativity of Contracts
This does not apply on rights and obligations that…
are not transmissible by their nature or by stipulation or by provision of law
Stipulation pour autrui
Benefits clearly and deliberately conferred by parties to a contract upon a third person and which stipulation is merely part of a contract entered into by the parties, neither of whom acted as agents of the third person and which favor can be demanded by the third person if duly accepted by him before it could be revoked
stipulation in favor of a third person
Mutuality of Contracts
- The contract must bind both contracting parties
- Its validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them
- Any obligation arising from contract has the force of law between the parties
- There must be mutuality between the parties based on their eseential equality
Auntonomy of Contracts
- The freedom of the parties to contract and to stipulate provided the stipulations are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public policy
- Freedom of the parties to create or establish stipulation, clauses, terms, and conditions as they may deem convenient provided the stipulations are not contrary to law, morals,. etc
Contracts are perfected by mere [BLANK], and from that moment the parties are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated by also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keep with good faith, usage and law
Essential Elements
- Consent
- Object certain or subject matter
- Cause or consideration
Requisites of Consent
- Legal capacity
- Manifestation of the confromity og the contracting parties
- Parties’ conformity to the object, cause, terms and conditions
- Conformity must be real and not simulated or fictitious
All things or services may be the object of contracts
- It is the subject matter of the contract. It can be a thing, right or service arising from a contract
- The object must be determinate as to the kind
- It must be existing of the potentiality to exist subsequent to the contract
- It must be licit
- It must be within the commerce of man
- It must be transmissible
Is essential to more proximate purpose which moves the contracting parties to enter into the contract.
It is immediate and direct which justifies the creation of an obligation through the will of the contracting parties