Contract & Sales Flashcards
Formation of contracts =
offer, acceptance, and consideration
Offer is created when…
Creation: There must be intent to enter into a contract plus
specific terms (e.g., price, quantity, and identity of the
parties). And, it must be communicated to the offeree.
Note: A requirements or output contract will not fail for
lack of quantity. The amount sold or requested must be in
good faith and not unreasonably disproportionate to a
stated estimate or prior comparable output.
Termination of an offer: (list four ways to terminate)
There are four ways to terminate an offer:
(1) Lapse of time: an offer lapses after a reasonable time.
(2) Rejection (including counteroffer, which is a rejection
and a new offer)
(3) Revocation of an offer: An offer can be revoked
before acceptance unless it is falls into one of the
(FOUR) categories:
(A) Firm offer by a merchant in a signed
writing under the UCC. This offer can be held
open for a maximum of three months.
(B)Option contract: a promise to hold open
the offer plus consideration for that promise.
(C)Unilateral contract: if the offeree begins
performance on a unilateral contract, the offer
is held open for a reasonable time.
(D) Reasonably foreseeable substantial
reliance on the offer.
(4) Death or incapacity of offeror
How is a bilateral contract accepted?
Bilateral contracts are accepted by a promise to perform or
beginning performance.
Unilateral contracts. What are some examples of them and how are they accepted?
Unilateral contracts (rewards, prizes, or offers that specify they
are unilateral) can only be accepted by full performance. Tip: most
contracts are bilateral.
How are UCC offers accepted?
- Article 2: An offer for the sale of goods is accepted by
promising to ship or shipping the goods. Note: if the seller ships
defective goods with an accommodation letter, that constitutes a
counteroffer. If there is no letter, it is an acceptance and a breach.
When is acceptance effective? What are exceptions?
Acceptance is effective: acceptance is effective when sent (the
mailbox rule).
* Exceptions: an option contract (acceptance effective upon
receipt) or if a rejection then an acceptance is mailed (the one
received first controls).
Terms of acceptance for common law:
Common law: the acceptance must be the “mirror image” of
the offer.
Terms of acceptance for UCC
An acceptance does not need to mirror the offer and may
have additional or different terms. Between merchants, an
additional term will be a part of the contract unless it materially
alters it, the offeror objects within a reasonable time, or the offer
limits acceptance to the terms of the offer. Under the majority rule,
a different term is knocked out and replaced with gap fillers.
What are examples of not consideration?
The following are not consideration: a promise to make a
gift, a moral obligation, past consideration, or an illusory
What is reliance? (consideration)
Reliance (a substitute for consideration): if there is a
promise and foreseeable and justifiable reliance,
enforcement will be granted as necessary to avoid injustice.
Modifications for common law requires what?
Consideration is needed to modify a contract. The
performance of a preexisting legal duty is not
consideration unless it falls into an exception (e.g.,
unforeseen difficulty, a good faith settlement of a
lawsuit, a good faith payment in full of a due and
disputed debt, a written promise to pay a time-barred
debt, or if the duty was owed to a third person).
Modifications for UCC require what?
Only good faith is needed to modify a contract.
CL: When does the other party’s duty arise? What are exceptions?
one has to substantially perform one’s duties in order for the other party’s duty to arise.
* Exception: Express condition (e.g., “I will buy it if I like it” or “I will buy it if I can get a 10% interest rate”). These must be complied with exactly. Tip: courts find that most conditions
are “constructive” and substantial performance is enough.
What are the performance requirements for the UCC? What is the exception?
The seller must provide perfect tender of the goods (or the buyer can reject the goods). If the seller does not provide perfect tender and the buyer rejects the goods, the seller only has an automatic
right to cure if (1) there is time left to perform under the contract, or (2) the seller reasonably believed that the buyer would accept the nonconforming goods with or without a money allowance such as a
discount (e.g., the seller sent better goods than contracted for).
* Exception: Installment contract. The buyer may reject an installment if there is a “substantial impairment” and the seller cannot cure the installment.
* Note on revocation: If the buyer accepts goods, he may not reject them. However, he may later revoke his acceptance. Revocation is a higher standard than rejection as it
requires showing that the defect substantially impairs the value of the goods to him, among other things.
What are the delivery obligations for carrier cases?
Carrier cases: Most contracts are shipment contracts (e.g., the contract is silent or has shipping terms such as “FOB Seller’s Place of Business,” “CIF,” “C&F,” or “FAS”). The seller only has
to get the goods to the shipper and the risk of loss (ROL) passes to the buyer at that point. For destination contracts (e.g., contracts that state, “FOB Buyer’s Place of Business” or “Ex-Ship”),
the seller has to get the goods to the destination.
What are the delivery obligations for NON-carrier cases?
If the seller is a merchant, the seller must actually deliver the goods to the buyer for the ROL to pass. If the seller is not a merchant, the seller must tender delivery (make
the goods available) for the ROL to pass.
What happens if seller is in breach of delivery obligations?
if the seller is in breach, the ROL is on the seller until the defective goods are cured by the seller or accepted by the buyer.
When is a party excused from performing if the other party breaches?
A party is excused from performing if the other party breaches. An anticipatory repudiation occurs when a party unequivocally breaches. If this occurs, the other
party can sue immediately, suspend performance and wait to sue, treat the contract as discharged, or urge the other party to perform. A prospective inability to perform is when a party has reasonable
grounds for insecurity that the other will not perform. The insecure party can demand adequate assurances that performance will take place. Note that conditions can also be waived.
How is a duty to perform discharged?
Occurrence of a condition subsequent: This is a condition that cuts off a duty. (E.g., “I will paint the house until it starts to rain.” The rain is a condition subsequent that cuts off the duty to
paint the house.)
* Agreement: examples include novation (a new party steps into the shoes of an existing party), modification, release, accord and satisfaction (the parties agree to new or different
consideration), and rescission (the contract is undone).
* Frustration of purpose: the primary purpose of the contract known by both parties at the time of contracting is substantially frustrated by an unforeseeable event that occurred
after the contract was entered into.
* Impossibility: an event that renders performance impossible occurs after the contract was made, it was not reasonably foreseeable at the time of the contract, the nonoccurrence was a
basic assumption of the parties, neither party is at fault, and neither party bears the risk.
What is an express warranty?
Express warranties are affirmations of fact about the goods or a sample of the goods. These cannot be disclaimed. Mere “puffery” does not create an express warranty.
What is the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose?
By contrast, the implied warranty of “fitness for a particular purpose” is a promise that a seller makes when the customer relies on the advice that a product can be used for some specific purpose. The implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose can be made by any seller who knows of the buyer’s specific purpose and the buyer relies on the seller. It can be disclaimed. Tip:
the seller does not have to be a merchant.
What is a limitation of remedies clause?
A limitation of remedies clause is a contractual provision that limits or controls the remedies. It is enforceable unless it is unconscionable or it “fails of its essential purpose.” The clause is
unconscionable if it attempts to limit or avoid paying consequential damages for a personal injury due to a consumer product.
What the general rule for interpretation of a contract?
- General rule: Express terms control. Then courts look to course of performance, course of
dealing, and trade usage.
What is a gap filler?
the UCC has default rules for terms that govern contracts for the sale of goods
if no term is stated in the contract (e.g., if nothing is said as to price, the price is a
reasonable price at the time of delivery).
How do you keep terms out with the parol evidence rule?
The PER applies when a party
wants to add a term from preliminary negotiations to a final written agreement.
If there is a complete integration, will terms be admitted into evidence?
If there is a complete integration, no terms will be admitted into evidence. Tip: look
for a merger or integration clause in the contract; e.g., one that states, “this is
the full and final agreement.”
If there is a partial integration, will additional terms be admitted?
What does the parol evidence rule not apply to?
Formation defenses
Interpretation of a term
Failure of a condition precedent
A clerical error
A later modification
What are Intended Third-Party Beneficiaries?
Have rights under a contract once their rights vest. Rights vest when there is assent, reliance, or when the third party brings a lawsuit.
Do Incidental TPBs have rights under a contract?
Factors to determine if a TPB is intended:
(1) Is the TPB expressly designated in the contract?
(2) Is performance directly to the TPB?
(3) Does the TPB have any rights?
(4) What is the relationship between the TPB and the promisee?
What is a delegation and what is needed to delegate a duty?
Generally, one may delegate duties under a contract unless the contract prohibits it or if the
contract involves special skill, judgment, or trust. Neither consent, nor consideration, nor a
writing is needed to delegate a duty. The delegator remains liable on the contract after
delegation. The delegatee is liable if he receives consideration from the delegator.
How are rights assigned?
Generally, rights can be assigned unless the assignment substantially changes the obligor’s duties
or the contract prohibits it. An assignment may not be revoked if there was consideration given
or if it is payment for a preexisting debt. An assignment is revoked if the assignor takes
performance directly or makes a subsequent assignment to a different party.
What is the rule of SOF?
Rule: The SOF requires a writing signed by the party to be charged that evidences a contract.
Tip: the “party to be charged” generally means the defendant.
Which contracts fall into the SOF?
(MYLEGS) contracts made in consideration of
marriage, contracts that cannot be performed within a year, contracts for the sale of land,
promises made by an executor to pay a debt from his own estate, contracts for the sale of
goods over $500, and surety contracts.
Exceptions to SOF defenses:
Land: part performance (when one’s actions evidence a contract; e.g., the buyer
does two of the following three things: takes possession of the property, improves
the land significantly, or pays a substantial amount of the purchase price).
Sale of goods: the four exceptions are
(1) merchants confirmatory memo exception,
(2) when the seller has made a substantial beginning in manufacture or
commitments for specially manufactured goods not suitable for sale to others in the
seller’s ordinary course of business,
(3) judicial admissions (one admits in his pleadings, testimony, or in court that there
is a contract—it is enforceable up to the quantity admitted), and
(4) part performance (one pays for or accepts a part of a contract).
Surety: a promise to pay the debt of another if the other does not pay falls within
the SOF unless the main purpose of the surety promise is to serve a pecuniary
interest of the person making the promise.
Year: full performance on one side will serve as a substitute for a signed writing.
What’s the incapacity defense?
Incapacity for minors, mentally incompetent, or intoxicated persons. However, they may be
liable for “necessities.”
What’s the duress defense?
when a party threatens to commit a wrongful act that would threaten the other
party’s finances, property, well-being, or life.
What’s the undue influence defense?
unfair persuasion where a person in a position of trust, confidence, or
dominance uses that position to convince another to enter into a contract that is not in that
party’s best interest.
Mutual mistake:
Mutual mistake: if both parties are mistaken about a basic assumption of fact that
materially affects the agreed upon exchange and neither bears the risk, the contract is
Unilateral mistake
if a party knew or had reason to know of the other party’s mistake, the
contract is voidable.
Mutual misunderstanding
there is no contract if both parties have a different understanding
of a material term that is open to at least two reasonable interpretations and neither
party has any reason to know of the meaning attached by the other.
Illegal subject matter (e.g. selling drug) defense
The contract is void. If it is for an illegal
purpose (e.g., leasing a car to transport drugs), it is voidable by the party who didn’t have
the illegal purpose (e.g., the car owner) if he didn’t know the purpose or he knew of the
purpose but didn’t facilitate it and it doesn’t involve “serious moral turpitude.”
Unconscionability defense
There are two necessary elements: procedural unconscionability (an
unfair bargaining process—e.g., hidden or incomprehensible terms) and substantive
unconscionability (grossly unfair terms). This is voidable.
Other defenses?
fraud, misrepresentation, nondisclosure, and public policy.
General rule for remedies:
The damaged party recovers expectation damages. This is the loss of value of the breaching
party’s performance plus incidental damages plus consequential damages minus any expenses saved as a
result of the breach. Mitigation of damages is required.
What are incidental damages?
Incidental damages are those related to avoiding the loss from the breach (e.g., storing goods after a breach).
What are consequential damages?
Consequential damages are those that are foreseen at the time the contract is entered into.
UCC formula when seller breaches and buyer has goods:
buyer gets the value of the goods as contracted for
minus the value of the goods as delivered plus incidental and consequential damages.
UCC formula when seller breaches and seller has goods:
Buyer’s Damages = Market Price at the Time of Breach - Contract Price
UCC formula when buyer breaches and buyer has goods:
Seller get the contract price
UCC formula when buyer breaches and seller has goods:
Seller’s Damages = Contract Price - Market Price at the Time and Place of Tender + Incidental Damages - Expenses Saved
seller gets the difference between the contract price
and market price (or resale price) plus incidental damages minus expenses saved.
UCC formula when lost volume seller:
The seller gets lost profits plus incidentals. Tip: A seller is a lost volume
seller when there is an unlimited amount of the product available. The MBE fact pattern
will make this very clear.
Specific performance as equitable remedies
is not usually available unless the
goods are unique or if it is a land contract.
Injunction as equitable remedies
is an equitable remedy that tells a party to do
or not do something. An injunction for a noncompete clause
will be granted so long as the covenant is reasonable in time,
scope, and geography.
Rescission as equitable remedy
is undoing the contract when the contract is void
or voidable or because it is impossible to perform.
Reformation as equitable remedy:
is a remedy either party may seek when the
contract does not reflect the terms that the parties agreed to.
Liquidated damages:
clauses are enforced if the damages are difficult to
estimate at the time the contract was made and a reasonable forecast of
damages. Penalties are not permitted under contract law.
means the plaintiff recovers the value of the benefit
conferred. This remedy may be sought when the contract is breached, when
it is unenforceable, or when there is no contract. Restitution is granted in
contracts that are implied in law (i.e., quasi-contracts), which arises when
the plaintiff has conferred a benefit on the defendant, the plaintiff reasonably
expected to be paid, and the defendant would be unjustly enriched otherwise.
When does mistake apply?
Mistake applies when something crazy happened before the contract was formed that the parties didn’t know about at the time.
When does Impossibility, impracticability, and frustration of purpose apply
when something crazy happens after the contract is formed.
Accord and satisfaction
When you see it among the answer choices, ask yourself whether the parties have an actual dispute over the amount that’s owed between them. If the damages are liquidated, and the parties agree, this doctrine doesn’t apply. If the damages are contested, though, look for the elements of accord and satisfaction: did one party make a good-faith payment to resolve the dispute, and did the other party accept? The home run would be a cashed check that one party has marked “paid-in-full.”
Accord and satisfaction, what is it?
Accord and satisfaction is a contract law concept that allows parties to terminate an agreement by accepting a new agreement and performance in place of a preexisting contractual duty. The new agreement is called the accord, and the subsequent performance of the agreement is called satisfaction.
Define offer.
An offer is an objective manifestation of a willingness by the offeror to enter into an agreement that creates the power of acceptance in the offeree.
Define acceptance.
An acceptance is an objective manifestation by the offeree to be bound by the terms of the offer.
Under the common law, what terms must be covered in order for a contract to be formed?
All essential terms (i.e., the parties, subject matter, price, and quantity)
What is the basic concept of legal detriment?
There must be something of substance, either an act or a promise, which is given in exchange for the promise that is to be enforced.
How is a bilateral offer accepted?
An offer requiring a promise to accept can be accepted either with a return promise or by starting performance.
What are four forms of consideration?
Consideration can take the form of:
- A return promise to do something
- A return promise to refrain from doing something legally permitted
- The actual performance of some act
- Refraining from doing some act
Under the common law, why was something given in the past not considered adequate consideration for a new contract?
Under the common law, past consideration is typically not adequate consideration because it could not have been bargained for, nor could it have been done in reliance upon a promise.
Note: there is a modern trend toward enforcing such promises under the material benefit rule.
What three conditions must be met for the defense of impracticability to be available?
(i) An unforeseeable event has occurred;
(ii) Nonoccurrence of the event was a basic assumption on which the contract was made; and
(iii) The party seeking discharge is not at fault.
Define accord and satisfaction.
Under an accord agreement, a party to a contract agrees to accept a performance from the other party that differs from the performance that was promised in the existing contract, in satisfaction of the other party’s existing duty.
A “satisfaction” is the performance of the accord agreement; it will discharge both the original contract and the accord contract.
What is a requirements contract?
A requirements contract is a contract under which a buyer agrees to buy all that is required of a product from the other party. There is consideration in these agreements because the promisor suffers a legal detriment.
Under the UCC, what three requirements must be met for an offer to buy or sell goods to be an irrevocable firm offer?
(i) The offeror is a merchant;
(ii) There is an assurance that the offer is to remain open; and
(iii) The assurance is contained in a signed writing from the offeror.
What is an output contract?
An output contract is a contract under which a seller agrees to sell all that she manufactures of a product to the buyer. There is consideration in these agreements because the promisor suffers a legal detriment.
Define the material benefit rule.
Under the material benefit rule, when a party performs an unrequested service for another party that constitutes a material benefit, the modern trend permits the performing party to enforce a promise of payment made by the other party after the service is rendered, even though, at common law, such a promise would be unenforceable due to lack of consideration.
Under the UCC, when both parties are merchants, an additional term in the acceptance is automatically included in the contract, unless: (Name the 3 exceptions)
(i) The term materially alters the original contract;
(ii) The offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer; or
(iii) The offeror has already objected to the additional terms, or objects within a reasonable time after notice of them was received.
Note: If any one of these three exceptions is met, the term will not become part of the contract, and the offeror’s original terms control.
What is the difference between a void and voidable contract?
A void contract results in the entire transaction being regarded as a nullity, as if no contract existed between the parties; the contract is unenforceable.
A voidable contract operates as a valid contract unless and until one of the parties takes steps to avoid it.
Define fraud in the inducement, and state its effect on a contract.
“Fraud in the inducement occurs when a fraudulent misrepresentation is used to induce another to enter into a contract.
Effect: Contract is VOIDABLE by the adversely affected party if she justifiably relied on the misrepresentation in entering into the agreement.”
Define incidental beneficiary.
One who benefits from a contract even though there is no contractual intent to benefit that person
Note: An incidental beneficiary has no rights to enforce the contract.
What three factors does a court use to determine if restitutionary recovery is available in a quasi-contract situation?
A court may allow restitutionary recovery if:
- The plaintiff has conferred a measurable benefit on the defendant;
- The plaintiff acted without gratuitous intent; and
- It would be unfair to let the defendant retain the benefit because either (i) the defendant had the opportunity to decline the benefit but knowingly accepted it, or (ii) the plaintiff had a reasonable excuse for not giving the defendant such opportunity.
Define fraud in the factum, and state its effect on a contract.
Fraud in the factum (or fraud in the execution) occurs when the fraudulent misrepresentation prevents a party from knowing the character or essential terms of the transaction.
Effect: No contract is formed, and the apparent contract is VOID.
When is the implied warranty of merchantability implied, and how is it disclaimed?
The implied warranty of merchantability is implied whenever the seller is a merchant.
The disclaimer can be oral, but must use the term “merchantability” and must be conspicuous if in writing. Language that indicates there is no implied warranty is sufficient (e.g., “as-is” or “with all faults”).
When is the warranty of fitness for a particular purpose implied, and how is it disclaimed?
The warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is implied whenever the seller has reason to know that (i) the buyer has a particular use for the goods, and (ii) the buyer is relying upon the seller’s skill to select the goods.
A disclaimer must be in writing and be conspicuous.
What doctrine comes into play when an unexpected event arises that destroys one party’s purpose in entering into the contract, but performance of the contract is not rendered impossible?
The doctrine of frustration of purpose.
The frustrated party is entitled to rescind the contract without paying damages.
Note: The event that arises must not be the fault of the frustrated party, and its nonoccurrence must have been a basic assumption of the contract.
What is an implied-in-fact contract?
An implied-in-fact contract is a contract that results when a person’s assent to an offer is inferred solely from the person’s conduct. To be contractually bound, the person must not only intend the conduct but also know or have reason to know that the conduct may cause the offeror to believe the offer was accepted.
Define intended beneficiary.
One to whom the promisor will pay directly to relieve the promisee from a debt or whom the promisee intends to give the benefit of the promised performance
When is the doctrine of anticipatory repudiation applicable, and in what manner must the repudiation be made?
The doctrine of anticipatory repudiation is applicable when a promisor repudiates a promise BEFORE the time for performance is due. The repudiation must be clear and unequivocal, may be by conduct or words, and, if a statement, must be made to the promisee or a third-party beneficiary or assignee of the promise.
Under the UCC, even if the terms of a written contract for the sale of goods appear to be unambiguous, what evidence can be presented to explain or supplement the contract?
Course of performance, course of dealing, and trade usage.
Note: If the express contract terms are inconsistent with the course of performance, or trade usage, priority is given to the express terms, followed by course of performance, course of dealing and trade usage.
What are the rights of the assignee?
An assignee takes all of the rights of the assignor as the contract stands at the time of the assignment, but she takes subject to any defenses that could be raised against the assignor.
When is a plaintiff entitled to restitutionary recovery, and how is it measured?
When a defendant is unjustly enriched by the plaintiff, restitution generally allows the plaintiff to recover on the benefit conferred by the plaintiff upon the defendant. Generally, the benefit is measured by either (i) the reasonable value of the defendant obtaining that benefit from another source, or (ii) the increase in the defendant’s wealth from having received that benefit.
What are the requirements of a writing for contracts that fall under the Statute of Frauds?
The writing must:
(i) Be signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought; and
(ii) Contain the essential elements of the deal.
If a party has substantially complied or performed with a constructive condition, what can the party recover?
In general, the party can recover the contract price minus any amount that it will cost the other party to obtain the promised full performance.
Note: A party who has not substantially performed generally cannot recover damages based on the contract, but she may be able to recover through restitution.
Under the UCC, in what two circumstances does the seller have a right to cure a defective tender?
(i) The time for performance under the contract has not yet elapsed; or
(ii) The seller had reasonable grounds to believe that the buyer would accept despite the nonconformity.
Note: The seller must give notice of the intent to cure and make a new tender of conforming goods.
If a destination contract authorizes the seller to ship the goods by carrier, when does the risk of loss shift from the seller to the buyer?
Once the goods are delivered to a particular place (specified in the contract)
At what point can repudiation no longer be retracted?
Repudiation may be retracted until such time as the promisee (i) acts in reliance on the repudiation, (ii) signifies acceptance of the repudiation, or (iii) commences an action for breach of contract.
Define the parol evidence rule.
The parol evidence rule generally prevents a party to a written contract from presenting extrinsic evidence of a prior or contemporaneous agreement that contradicts the terms of the contract as written.
Define the common-law four-corners rule.
Under the common law, a court was permitted to look only to the writing itself (within the “four corners” of the document) for evidence of intent (regarding whether there is total, partial, or no integration).
Under the Second Restatement, can an extrinsic term that would “naturally be omitted” from a writing be introduced?
Yes, so long as it does not contradict the writing.
What is the difference between an assignment and a delegation?
An assignment is the transfer of rights under a contract, and a delegation is the transfer of duties and obligations under the contract.
Define condition precedent.
A condition that precedes the obligation to perform
When are objective and subjective standards each used to determine whether a condition is satisfied?
The preferred method is an objective standard based upon whether a reasonable person would be satisfied. However, when the aesthetic taste of a party determines whether the other party’s performance is satisfactory, satisfaction is determined under a subjective standard.
Under the UCC, what is required by the “perfect tender rule”?
The perfect tender rule requires perfect goods and perfect delivery. “Perfect” means in accordance with the contract provisions or in accordance with the UCC if the contract is silent on tender.
Under the common law, if the breach is material, what remedies can be sought by the nonbreaching party?
The nonbreaching party is able to withhold any promised performance and pursue remedies for breach, including damages.
Note: If the breach is minor, the nonbreaching party may be able to recover damages, but that party also still must perform under the contract.
What is the formula for expectation damages?
Expectation Damages = loss in value + other loss - cost avoided - loss avoided
If a shipment contract authorizes the seller to ship the goods by carrier, when does the risk of loss shift from the seller to the buyer?
Once the goods are delivered to the carrier
Marriage – a contract made in consideration of marriage
Year – a contract that cannot be completed within one year
Land – a contract for the sale or transfer of an interest in real property
Executor – a contract to pay an estate’s debt out of the executor’s personal funds
Goods – a contract for the sale of goods for $500 or more
Suretyship – a contract to answer for the debt or duty of another
Parole Evidence Rule
The common law Parole Evidence Rule (“PER”) generally prevents the introduction of prior extrinsic evidence that contradicts the terms of the written contract. For the PER to apply, the parties’ writing must be integrated—i.e., the parties must intend it to be their final agreement. If the writing completely expresses all of the terms to which the parties’ agreed, then it is a total integration, and the parties cannot introduce any extrinsic evidence (oral or written) of prior or contemporaneous understandings or negotiations. On the other hand, if the writing sets forth the parties’ agreement about some terms, but not all terms, then it is a partial integration. The parties are then permitted to introduce supplementary extrinsic evidence of other terms as long as the evidence is consistent with the writing.
At common law, modification of an existing contract must be supported by consideration. An agreement to modify a contract may still be enforced if there are new obligations on both sides.
At common law, modification of an existing contract must be supported by consideration. An agreement to modify a contract may still be enforced if there are new obligations on both sides.
On May 8, the woman went to the potter’s studio, and the potter told her that he had decided that the $4,000 price was too high for the right to serve as his apprentice, so he proposed lowering the price to $3,500. The woman happily agreed. However, on May 15, the potter demanded $4,000 as agreed to in the memorandum of agreement. As the potter correctly pointed out, although he had agreed to the lower price, he was not receiving anything in exchange for the modification. In other words, the modification to the agreement was not supported by consideration because the woman did not have any new obligation in relation to the modification. Thus, the oral agreement for lowering the price of the apprenticeship is not binding on the parties.