Contract law cases Flashcards
Gibson V Manchester City council
An offer must be definite in its terms
Patridge V Crittenden
Advertisements are not offers but invitation to treat
Fisher V Bell
Goods in a shop window or shelves are invitation to treat
Harvey V Facey
Request for information is an invitation to treat
Taylor V Laird
Offer comes into existence when it is communicated to the offeree
Routledge V Grant
An offer can end through revocation of the offer before acceptance
Hyde V Wrench
A counter offer is a rejection of an offer
Ramsgate Victoria Hotel V Montefien
A lapse of time can end an offer
Felthouse V Bindeyy
Acceptance cannot be silence
Reveille Independent LLC V Anotech International
Acceptance by conduct
Adams V Lindsell
Acceptance occurs immediatly a letter is posted
Brinkibon LTD V Stanley Stahl
Electronic methods of communication
Currie V Misa
‘some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to one party or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility given, suffered or undertaken by the other’
Chappell V Nestle CO LTS
Consideration need not be sufficient
White V Bluett
Consiideration must be real and have some value
RE Casey’s Patent
Past consideration is no consideration
Tweedle V Atkinson
Consideration must move from the promise
Collins V Godefroy
Performing a pre existing duty cannot be the consideration for a new contract
Foakes V Beer
A promise to accept part payment of an existing debt in place of the whole debt is not consideration