What is a line chart?
This is a document that lists all the products that an independent furniture representative handles.
What is the coefficient of utilization (CU)?
This value is a measure of how efficiently a luminaire distributes light under various degrees of finish reflectivity.
How is the color temperature of a light source determined?
This value is based on the temperature, in degrees Kelvin, to which a black-body radiator would have to be heated to produce the same hue as a particular light source.
How is a tungsten-halogen lamp different from a standard incandescent lamp?
The former includes a small amount of halogen with the inert gas and is made from a bulb of quartz. It lasts longer than the latter, produces whiter light, and produces a more uniform light over time.
How does a fluorescent lamp produce light?
In this type of lamp, an electric arc is formed, generating ultraviolet light. When this light strikes the phosphor coating on the inside of the lamp, the phosphor fluoresces, generating visible light.
How does a high-intensity discharge lamp work?
This type of lamp works by passing an electric current through a gas or vapor under high pressure.
What is a lumen (abbreviated lm)?
This unit is the amount of luminous flux produced by a point source of one candlepower (candela) in a solid angle of one steradian. On a sphere with a radius of one unit, an area of one square unit will subtend an angle of one steradian.
What is illuminance?
This is the density of luminous flux incident on a surface in lumens per unit area. In U.S. units, 1 lm uniformly incident on 1 sqft produces an illuminance of 1 footcandle (fc). In SI units, 1 lumen uniformly incident on 1 square meter produces an illuminance of 1 lux (lx).
What are the two most important variables in controlling sound transmission through a building element?
The two most important variables affecting this are: - mass - stiffness
What is reverberation time?
This is the time it takes for the sound level in a space to decrease 60 dB after the source has stopped producing the sound.
What is the sound transmission class (STC) of a partition?
This is a single-number rating of a partition’s ability to reduce sound transmission.
What are five basic ways to control sound transmission through a partition?
Five ways to accomplish this are to: - increase the mass - provide additional resilience - insulate the cavity - seal all cracks between construction components -provide sealed openings, such as doors and windows
What is a color rendition index?
This is a numerical measure of how well a light source renders the color of an object when compared to the same object lit by a reference source of the same color temperature.
What is luminous efficacy?
This is the ratio of the luminous flux emitted by a light source to the power used by the light source.
What is the noise reduction coefficient (NRC)?
This is a single-number average of a material’s coefficients of absorption at 250 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz, rounded to the nearest 0.05.
What is the coefficient of absorption?
This is the ratio of the sound intensity absorbed by a material to the total sound intensity reaching the material.
What is a light-emitting diode (LED)?
This is a semiconductor device that uses solid-state electronics to create light.
What is the ceiling attenuation class (CAC)?
This is a single-number measure of the transmission loss through ceiling tiles between tow closed rooms where there is no barrier above the suspended ceiling.
What is a veiling reflection?
This results when a reflection causes glare that interferes with a visual task.
What is direct glare?
This results when a light source in the field of vision causes discomfort and interference with a visual task.
What do most people perceive when a sound increases by 10 dB?
When a sound increase by this amount, most people perceive a doubling in loudness.
What two methods are used to measure speech privacy in open offices?
Two methods used to measure this are: - articulation class - articulation index
In regard to interior design, what is compartmentation?
This is a practice of separating areas of building with fire-rated construction in order to contain a fire to one area and limit its spread.
What is an intumescent material?
This is a material that, when exposed to heat, expands rapidly and insulates or fills spaces to prevent the passage of fire and smoke.
What is a sole plate?
This is a horizontal wood member that serves as the base for the studs in a wood stud partition.
What is a chase wall?
This consists of two runs of studs separated by a space large enough to accommodate pipes.
What is an access door?
This is an opening used to provide access to mechanical and electrical components behind walls.
What electrical components are required for switches, outlets, lights, and locations where electrical conductors have been spliced?
Junction boxes are required at these locations.
What is a ground fault interrupter?
This is an electrical safety device that detects small current leaks and disconnects the power to a circuit.
What is a dedicated circuit?
This is a circuit that contains a single electrical outlet.
What is the purpose of a plumbing trap?
This plumbing component holds a quantity of water to provide a seal that prevents gasses from the sewage system from entering the building.
What are joists, and what are they typically made of?
These are horizontal repetitive elements used to support floors. They are typically made from wood members with a nominal width of 2 in. (50 mm).
What is a core drill?
This is a small hole with a diameter of 2 in to 4 in (50 mm to 100 mm) drilled through a concrete floor to accommodate conduits for electrical, telephone, and data wiring.
What is the typical spacing for residential studs and joists?
These construction elements are typically spaced 16 in (406 mm) on center.
What type of load is created on a building by the force of wind or an earthquake?
A lateral load on a building is caused by one of these forces.
Why should post-tensioned concrete slabs never be cut into?
The tendons of this construction element should never be cut because they are under high stress.
What is required at the top of a partition to accommodate deflection of the floor above?
A slip joint is required at the top of a partition to compensate for this condition.
What is a concrete masonry unit?
This building product, abbreviated CMU, is also commonly known as concrete block.
What are live loads?
These are the weights of people, furniture, and movable equipment.
What frequency range can be heard by most healthy young people?
A range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
In a large room, where is the most effective place to install a sound-absorbing material?
In a large room, the ceiling is the most effective place to install this material.
What is a clerestory
This is a vertically glazed area placed between two different roof level to admit natural light
What is the unit of measure for sound intensity,based on a logarithmic scale?
The decibel (dB) is the unit of measure for this.
What is the unit of measure for the frequency of sound?
The hertz (Hz) is the unit of measure for this and is equal to one cycle per second
What is a winding stairway?
This is a type of stairway that has tapered treads that are wider at one end than at the other
What is a three way switch?
This is a device that allows users to control a light from two different locations.
What is a flight in a stairway?
This is a series of two or more risers between one floor or landing and the next
What does the Certificate of Occupancy (or Use and Occupancy) letter provide?
This letter is issued by the authority having jurisdiction and allows the client to occupy a building or portion of a building after the final inspection.
Stainless steel is primarily an alloy of steel and an additional element. Which one?
Chromium is added to steel to create material
What is the purpose of a performance specification?
This kind of document shows what results the final construction assembly must achieve without stating exactly what the product must be or what procedurs must be followed.
What is a proprietary specification?
This is the most restrictive kind of specification because it requires the use of specific manufacturers’ products.
Which parts of a specification should include requirements for sustainability?
In a specification, requirements for this aspect of interior design, which encompasses energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and other areas, are included in Division 1, General Requirements, and in each appropriate technical section.
How is the MasterFormat system organized?
This system for standardizing specifications is organized into major subgroups and individual divisions within each subgroup.
What type of specification specifies a proprietary material while still satisfying requirements for public bidding?
A base-bid, or approved equal, specification meets these requirements.
What does a design office use to maintain consistency, completeness, and accuracy when writing specifications?
A design office uses master specifications or guide specifications or guide specifications for this purpose.
What system was created to standardize the organization and writing of specifications, and what group developed it.
The MasterFormat system was developed by the Construction Specifications Institute and Construction Specifications Canada to accomplish this.
What CSI division would contain the specifications for interior signage?
CSI Division 10, Specialties, would contain the information for this
When are furniture specifications used?
These are used on large commercial projects when the designer and client want bids from one or more dealers for the items and accessories to be purchased, and when the dealers will be accepting responsibility for ordering, installing and billing the client.
What CSI division would contain the specifications for doors?
CSI Division 08, Openings, would contain the information for these.
What organization produces furniture standards that have been adopted by ANSI
The Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA) produces these.
How does an independent furniture rep differ from a manufacturers’rep?
This type of furniture representative is self employed and may represent more than one manufacturer
What is a furniture factory rep?
This is a person who works directly for a furniture manufacturer and represents only that manufacturer’s products.
What are two places an interior designer could take a client to view furniture directly?
A designer could accomplish this by going to a dealership or a showroom.
What is required from a manufacturer after it receives a purchase order from the designer?
A confirmation or acknowledgements is required from the manufacturer after receiving this from the designer
What is a purchase order?
This is a document sent to a manufacturer or vendor that lists all the items to be purchased along with prices, catalog numbers, and shipping information.
What is a drop ship order?
This is a request to ship furniture or other goods to an address different from the address of the company placing the order.
What is a bill of lading?
This is a document that lists the contents of a shipment from a manufacturer or vendor.
What is a freight bill?
This is the invoice from a shipping company.
What is a packing list?
This is a detailed list of item descriptions and quantities in a shipment that is attached to one of the items shipped.
What type of steel floor or roof framing system povides generous space in both directions for pipes, ducts, and conduit?
This is the primary benefit of an open web steel joist system.
What are the two major types of concrete structural systems?
The two major types are -cast in place -precast
What are construction drawings?
These are detailed drawings the contractor uses to construct a project and describe the extent of the work and the locations, dimensions, and relationships of the various construction elements.
What does a reflected ceiling show?
This drawing type shows all the items that are part of the ceiling, elements that touch the ceiling, and elements that penetrate the ceiling.
What does a typical floor plan show?
This type of drawing shows the overall configuration of a building (or portion of an interior under contract). It includes all partitions, doors, and other fixed elements and gives dimensions, notes, and references to elevations and details drawn elsewhere.
What is a title block?
This is the area of a drawing sheet that contains identifying information about the project as well as information specific to that particular sheet.
In regard to construction drawings, what does an elevation show?
This type of drawing shows vertical dimensions and the configurations and finishes of wall surfaces.
In regard to electrical drawings, what is a homerun?
This is a graphic element on an electrical drawing that uses arrowheads to indicate that the line joining lights or power outlets is connected to a particular electrical panel box.
In regard to construction drawings, what is layering?
This is the method of placing different information on separate levels in a CAD system when creating a construction drawing.
What are some ways to increase speech privacy in a large space?
Five ways to accomplish this are to - Use highly absorptive ceiling materials - Use space dividers to reduce sound transmission - create distance between noisy activities - arrange hard surfaces to minimize reflected sound - use a well designed background masking system
What are four types of fire detection devices?
- photoelectric detectors - rise of temperature detectors - ionization detectors - flame detectors
What is a project manual?
This is a bound book that contains -technical construction specifications - contract forms - general and supplementary conditions of the contract - bidding requirements (if used) - supplemental bid forms (if used)
What two things are required before an interior designer can resell furniture to a client?
To do this, a designer needs a resale license and established credit.
What is a sales agreement?
This is a document signed by the client that obligates the client to pay for the various items listed in the agreement.
The CSI MasterFormat system is divided into three parts. What broad subjects do these three parts cover?
This system is divided into three parts -part 1 general -part 2 products -part 3 execution
What is a reference standard specification?
This document describes the requirements for a product or process based on an accepted authority or test method, such as ASTM, ANSI, or a trade association.
What type of precast structural member is often used to provide support as a beam and as floor decking?
A double tee is often used in these two applications
What type of concrete system is likely to be found where floor to floor heights are kept to a minimum?
A flat plate construction system would probably be used in this situation.
What is this symbol, and what do the numbers mean?

This is an elevation reference symbol. The top number is the detail number, and the bottom number indicates the sheet on which the elevation is drawn.
On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for a wall telephone outlet.
On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for a duplex outlet on a ground fault circuit interrupter.
On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for a recessed fluorescent light.
On a constructiond drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for a ceiling incandescent light.
On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for a supply air diffuser.
On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent and what do the numbers mean?

This is a portion of a symbol for an air duct in plan view. This first number is the width, and the second number is the height.
On a construction drawing, what does this symbol represent?

This is the symbol for concrete block.
What does this symbol represent on a section drawing?

This is the symbol for steel beam in section.
What does this symbol repreent on a floor plan?

This is the symbol for a concrete column.
What are the four components labeled A through D?

On an HVAC plan, these are the symbols for:
(A) fire damper
(B) recessed flourescent luminaire
(C) round flexible duct (with the size given)
(D) supply air diffuser with one quadrant blocked off and air directed as shown by the arrows
What are the components labeled A through D, and what purpose does each serve?

(A) stack vent: connects to a soil or waste stack above the highest fixture
(B) vent stack: a vent pipe that is separate from a soil or waste stack
(C) soil stack: carries human waste
(D) waste stack: carries wastes other than human waste
What are the components labeled A through D?

These components are:
(A) run of the stair
(B) tread
(C) nosing
D) riser
What type of diagram is this?

This is a candlepower distribution diagram.