Contraceptives Flashcards
What are the three Estrogens used for oral contraceptives?
Ethinyl estradiol
Estradiol valerate
What is the MOA of Estrogens?
Influence gene transcription
Cycle control
Stabilize the endometrium
Minimizes irregular shedding
What effect(s) does estrogen have on the reproductive system?
Female Sexual Maturation
Endometrial Growth
Breast Tissue Stimulation
What effect(s) does estrogen have on the hematologic system?
Increased tendency for clotting
What effect(s) does estrogen have on the skin/mucosa?
Increased pigmentation
Increased skin collagen content/thickness
Maintenance of skin moisture
What effect(s) does estrogen have on the metabolic state of the body?
Increases HDL
Decreases LDL
Increases Triglycerides
Decreases bone re-absorption
What are some indications for estrogen use?
There are FIVE
- Contraception
- Menopausal hormone replacement therapy
- Endometriosis
- Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
- Prevention of osteoporosis
Estrogen is used to treat the _________ symptoms menopause
T/F: Estrogen is used to treat osteoporosis
It is used to prevent it
What are contraindication for estrogen use?
There are FOUR
- Clotting Disorders
- Un-diagnosed abnormal genital bleeding (already went through menopause and bled again)
- Breast CA
- Pregnancy
What first generation progesterones are used as OCPs?
- Steroids (with similar activity to progesterone)
- Megestrol Acetate
- Medroxyprogesterone acetate
What second generation progesterones are used as OCPs?
- Norethindrone
2. Ethynodial
What third generation progesterones are used as OCPs?
- Norgestrel
- Levonorgestrel
- Desogestrel
- Norgestimate
- Dienogest
What is the nonsteriodal progesterone are used as OCPs?
What is a Drospirenone derived from?
What are the indications for Progesterone use?
- Secondary Amenorrhea (PMS)
- Cervical Ripening (helps deliver babies)
- Infertility
T/F: Progesterones are metabolized by 3A4
What is the MOA of progesterones?
Directly modify RNA synthesis and influences gene transcription
What effects do progesterones have on the reproductive system?
- Determines onset of menstruation
- Changes endocervical gland secretion from watery to viscous
- Maintains pregnancy
How does the progesterone effect of changing endocervical secretion from watery to viscous prevent pregnancy?
Prevent sperm entry into the uterus
What effects does progesterone have on the metabolic system?
- Increases insulin secretion and resistance peripherally
- Increases Lipase activity
- May increase fat deposits
- Increased LDL
- Decreases HDL
What are indications for progesterone use?
- Contraception
- Post-menopausual HRT
- Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
- Pregnancy Maintenance
Should progesterone be used in a patient with a clotting disorder?
It is contraindicated as it increases the risk for clotting
Other than clotting disorders, what are 4 additional contraindications of progesterone use?
- Severe Migraines
- Unexplained vaginal bleeding
- Breast CA
- Active Liver Disease
What are the ADRs associated with Estrogen use?
- Nausea
- Headache
- Breast Tenderness
What are the ADRs associated with Progesterone use?
- Acne
- Hirsutism
- Increased LDL
- Vaginal Bleeding
- Bone loss (specifically with DMPA)
T/F: Estrogen inhibits FSH release
_______ oral contraception involves taking 21 days of estrogen-progestin pills followed by 7 days of placebo pills
________ oral contraception involves taking varying concentrations of estrogen at different times during the cycle
______ _____ oral contraception involves taking 84 active pills and 7 placebo pills.
Extended cycle