Contraception for women age >40 FSRH Flashcards
At which do the following contraceptives become UK-MEC 2 based on age alone
- Depo
COCP >40yrs
Depo >45yrs
How long should Cu-IUD/non hormonal remain in situ after menopause
< 50 yrs, 2 years after LMP
> 50yrs, 1 year after LMP
How long can Mirena, implant, POP be used
Until age 55
If smoker when should COCP be stopped?
How to manage COCP after 40+
COCP can continue if no CI
>50 stop and switch to non hormonal or progesterone based
When can stop progesterone impact/POP/mirena
Cont until 50, than can check FSH if > 30 can stop after 1 year. If premenopausal range, recheck in 1 year
Stop all progesterone based at age 55
Can sequential HRT be used as contraceptive
No only hibits in 40%
COCP can be used as an alternative to HRT until what age?