Contraception Flashcards
Phases of ovarian cycle + day ranges
Follicular (0-13)
Luteal (14-28)
Phases of uterine cycle + typical day range
Menses (0-6)
Proliferative (7-13)
Secretory (14-28)
Cycles of the menstrual cycle
Ovarian cycle
Uterine cycle
Steroid hormones of the ovarian cycle
Gonadotropins of the ovarian cycle
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Inhibin function in ovarian cycle
FSH suppression
Activin function in ovarian cycle
Enhances ovarian follicle FSH binding
Estrogen function in ovarian cycle
Ovarian follicle maturation; gonadotropin regulation
Progesterone function in ovarian cycle
Converts endometrium to secretory phase for implantation
Precipitant of normal menstrual bleeding
Inhibits uterine smooth muscle contractions (i.e. prevents preterm labor)
Inhibits preterm lactation
Fertile period (typical)
days 12-17
Endometrial thickening period (typical)
days 7-13
Endometrial slough period (typical)
days 0-6
Endometrial implantation and mucus thickening period (typical)
days 14-28
Ethinyl estradiol (EE)
Synthetic estrogen
Ethinyl group in ethinyl estradiol (EE)
Orally active
Estradiol valerate (EV)
Naturally occurring estrogen
Synthetic progesterone
Progestin types
Progestin contraceptive mechanism
Thickens cervical mucus Inhibit ovulation Thin endometrium HPO axis interruption Inhibits sperm capacitación
Progestin secondary effects
Reduced/eliminated menses, BP elevation, mood swings, depression, weight gain, increased appetite, fatigue, tender breasts, acne, hirsutism, nausea
Most prescribed progestin
Combined hormonal contraceptive (CHC) formats
CHC hormones
CHC duration
Progestin-only pill (POP)
Number of active/inactive pills in conventional COC packs
21 active / 7 inactive (28)
24 active / 4 inactive (28)
Bleeding period on convetional COC
Inactive pills
Number of active/inactive pills in extended cycle COC packs
84 active / 7 inactive (91)
Bleeding period on extended cycle COC
Inactive pills
Amethyst continuous COC pill hormones
Ethinyl estradiol
Number of active/inactive pills in continuous COC packs
365 active / 0 inactive
Continuous COC trade name
Bleeding period on continuous COC
Monophasic COC
Estrogen and progestin levels remain constant across follicular and luteal phases
Multiphasic COC
Estrogen and progestin levels vary by phase
First-year failure rate COC
First-year failure rate COC < 22 years
Gonadotropin(s) suppressed by estrogen
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Number of annual menstrual bleeds on extended cycle COC packs
Excessive estrogenic effects
Dysmenorrhea Nausea Chloasma CVA DVT VTE PE Telangectasias
Benefits of combined contraception
Decreased cramping, pain Oligo or amenorrhea Improved acne Ovarian, endometrial cancer prevention Reduced risk of ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, endometriosis
Contraceptive ring trade name
NuvaRing hormones
EE + etonogestrel
NuvaRing change interval
21 days/3 weeks, leave out for 1 week, replace
NuvaRing falls out
> 3 hours use backup contraception
CHC hormone responsible for most FSH suppression
Estrogen»_space; progestin
COC contraindications
Progestin contraindications +
≥35 years, ≥15 cigarettes/day
HTN ≥160/100 (≥140/90, relative)
Thromboembolic d/o w/o anticoag
CHC hormone responsible for most FSH suppression
Estrogen»_space; progestin
CHC hormone responsible for most FSH suppression
Estrogen»_space; progestin
CHC hormone responsible for most FSH suppression
Estrogen»_space; progestin
Contraception patch trade name
Xulane hormones
EE + norelgestromin
Xulane failure rate
< 1 - 2%
Xulane regimen
3 weeks on 1 week off (set change day)
Xulane change interval
Once weekly
Xulane contraindication
Same as COC
BMI ≥30
Certain HCV regimens
Xulane detachment
> 24 hours back up method x 7 days
Xulane placement
Not on the breasts
Depo-Provera (DMPA) hormones
progestin only
DMPA failure rate
< 1%
DMPA time to return to fertility
1 year
DMPA regimen interval
3 months
DMPA PID, endometrial, cervical CA risk
Reduced risk
DMPA long term risk
Bone density, lower HDL
DMPA contraindications
Abnormal uterine bleeding, undiagnosed
DMPA grace period
2 weeks
DMPA back up method
1st 2 weeks after injection unless admin by DOC 5
Contraceptive implant trade name
Nexplanon failure rate
Nexplanon hormone
Nexplanon regimen interval
3 years
Nexplanon advantages
LARC No EE side effects Few systemic SE Scant/absent menses Less anemia Lower r/o endometrial CA
Hormone IUD trade name
Mirena (most common)
Non-hormone IUD trade name
ParaGard MOA
Copper ions sterile inflammatory reaction toxic to sperm ova and impairs implantation
Mirena MOA
LNg has progestin effects
Mirena regimen interval
5 years
ParaGard regimen interval
10-12 years
LNg/Cu IUD contraindications
Active pelvic infection (impedes resolution) Severe structural abnormality Pregnancy* Cu allergy Wilson's disease Abnormal uterine bleeding, undiagnosed
ParaGard noncontraceptive benefits
Continued menstrual cycle (b/c nonhormonal)
Reduced r/f cervical CA
Possible reduced r/f endometrial CA
Mirena (etc) noncontraceptive benefits
Reduced menorrhagia, anemia, dysmenorrhea
Reduced endometriosis pain, hyperplasia
Reduced r/f PID, cervical/ovarian/endometrial CA
ParaGard bleeding effects
Heavier, crampier bleeding first 6 months
Mirena (etc) bleeding effects
Irregular, longer, or reduced bleeding first 6 months, increasing amenorrhea over years of use
IUD danger signs
Abdominal pain, dyspareunia, fever, chills
Diaphragm fit
Refit +/- 20 lbs or use universal diaphragm
Diaphragm adjunct
spermicide should be used
Diaphragm failure rate
18% (with spermicide!!)
Diaphragm STD protection
physical barrier and spermicide provide protection
Diaphragm contraindication
Occupied vaginal canal (tampon)
Diaphragm proper use
Leave in 6 hours postcoitus
Diaphragm continued use
Do not remove, instill more spermicide into vagina
Vaginal sponge trade name
Today Sponge
Today Sponge MOA
Physical barrier and spermicide
Today Sponge pregnancy rate nulliparous
Today Sponge pregnancy rate multiparous
Today Sponge risk factor
Breaks apart, TSS (rare)
Today Sponge proper insertion
Premoisten w/2 tbsp H2O to activate spermicide, insert to fully cover cervix
Today Sponge interval/timeframe
Max 30 hours, 24 hours in advance, 6 hours postcoitus
Today Sponge lifespan
Single use!
Penile condom failure rate
Inserted condom failure rate
Emergency contraception (EC) hormone
Hormonal EC trade name
Plan B, One Step, etc
Hormonal EC timeframe
Earlier the better, 72 hours optimal, 120 hours (5 days) max
Ella EC active ingredient
Ulipristal acetate
Hormonal EC benefit
Ella EC timeframe
Equal efficacy within 120 hours / 5 days
ParaGard / Cu IUD
ParaGard EC timeframe
120 hours / 5 days
LNg EC effectiveness
≥89% within 72 hours
ParaGard / Cu IUD EC effectiveness
Hormonal EC side effects
N/V/f/HA/dizziness/diarrhea/breast tenderness/edema/irregular menses
Vasectomy failure rate
Tubal ligation failure rate
Family planning failure rate
Calendar method step 1
Record serial cycles x 6 months longest/shortest cycles
Mark day 1 of period then count days between day 1 of ea period
Calendar method NOT appropriate
All cycles <27 days
Calendar method step 2
Determine fertile period subtract 18 from shortest cycle (earliest day of fertility) and 11 from longest cycle (latest day of fertility)
Calendar method Ex.: if shortest cycle = 26 days
26 - 18 = 8, if day 1 was on the 4th, then mark 11th as first fertile day
Calendar method Ex.: if longest cycle = 30 days
30 - 11 = 19, if day 1 was on the 4th, then mark 22nd as last fertile day
Calendar method principle
Abstain during calculated fertile period
Basal body temp method step 1
Record BBT before getting out of bed daily x 3-4 months
Basal body temp method step 2
Identify BBT drop, identify BBT rise
Basal body temp method principle
Abstain 2-3 days prior to expected BBT drop and 3 days following BBT rise
Basal body temp ____ ovulation
drops 12-24 hours before
Basal body temp rises ____ ovulation
after (d/t progesterone)
Billings test method
Cervical mucus test
Billings test method step 1
Record changes in mucus 3-4 months noticing change in quality
Billings test mucus quality
from scant and thick to thin with increasing Spinnbarkeit
Billings test method (Spinnbarkeit defined)
stringy ellastic cervical mucus indicating fertility
Billings test method step 2
Abstain from mucus change to 4 days after (mucus will return to thick, scant state)
TwoDay method
Variation of Billings test, check mucus ≥BID, presence of mucus yesterday + today = fertile; dry/no mucus = less fertile
Symptothermal method
Basal body temp method + Billings test method
Lactation method
Postpartum, rely on breastfeeding to delay ovulation for up to 6 months
Family planning method limitations
No STI/HIV protection
High failure rate, requires accuracy
No sex for ~25% of month