Contraception Flashcards
Choose all of the correct answers:
a) copper IUD is more effective than Plan B for emergency contraception
b) copper IUD can be used up to 4 days after intercourse for emergency contraception provided pregnancy ruled out
c) levonorgestrel IUD is effective as emergency contraception up to 5 days after though efficacy drops with time
d) fibristal is effective as emergency contraception if used on the day of ovulation
e) you should wait a week before starting hormone-containing contraception after emergency used
a) correct
b) 7 days
c) correct
d) false -not effective if used at time of ovulation
e) false -can start same day + use backup method
Choose all correct answers:
a) contraceptive efficacy = “perfect use”
b) contraceptive effectiveness = “perfect use”
c) discussion re: choice of contraceptive should include: effectiveness, safety, accessibility, affordability, acceptability
a) true
b) false - number of pregnancies prevented with “typical use”
c) true
What factors influence a woman’s contraceptive choice and ability to adhere over time?
knowledge about choices
motivation to stick to choice
ability to stick to choice
(cost, supportive partner/family, access to care)
What is the medication and dose in Plan B? What is the window of effective use?
levonorgestrel 750mcg x 2 tabs taken together within 72 hours of intercourse (evidence of efficacy up to 5 days) no rx needed
What are the medications and dose involved in the Yuzpe method? What is the window of effective use?
Two doses of ethanol estradiol 100mcg and levonorgestrel 500mcg (5 alesse pills) taken 12 hours apart
requires rx, less effective and more S/E than Plan B or UPA-EC
What are the medications and doses involved in the UPA-EC method of emergency contraception? What is the window of effective use?
Fibristal 30mg up to 5 days after unprotected intercourse (6 tabs)
What risk factor may make emergency contraception with UPA more effective than LNG?
BMI > 30 UPA more effective, no difference in pregnancy rates for BMI 25-29
When in the cycle are LNG-EC and UPA-EC not effective methods of emergency contraception?
On the day of or the day just prior to ovulation. Studies suggest it is not effective if given after ovulation.
When is the fertile window in the cycle?
5 days before ovulation until 1 day after (based on 5 day lifespan of sperm and 12-24 hour lifespan of unfertilized oocyte)
What is the mechanism of action for LNG in emergency contraception?
Prevents ovulation if given before LH surge (therefore not an abortafacient -works pre-implantation to prevent pregnancy) can use up to 5 days post
What is the mechanism of action of Ulipristal-acetate as an emergency contraceptive?
selective progesterone receptor modulator -direct inhibitory effect on follicular rupture (can use up to 5 days post)
What is the mechanism of action of mifepristone as an emergency contraceptive?
Blocks or Delays ovulation in a dose-dependent fashion
What is the mechanism of action of Cu-IUD as an emergency contraceptive?
Induces a sterile inflammatory reaction in the endometrium that inhibits implantation (confirm no existing IUP before inserting for EC) can use up to 7 days post
Which method of emergency contraception has the most favourable side effect profile?
LNG-EC and UPA-EC cause less N/V, dizziness, and fatigue than the Yuzpe method.
What follow-up would you recommend for a woman on whom you are consulted for emergency contraception?
Urine beta 21 days after EC
Can start “quick start” method of backup contraception right away for LNG-EC or Yuzpe or 5 days after UPA-EC. Recommend backup x 14 days with Cu-IUD or UPA insertion.
In whom is lactational amenorrhea considered an effective method of contraception.
Less than 6/12 PP and fully or nearly exclusively breastfeeding with no resumption of menses postpartum (98% effective if all 3 criteria are met)
Choose the false options:
a) lambskin condoms protect against STIs
b) non-latex condoms are as effective as latex condoms at preventing STIs
c) the contraceptive sponge/spermicide options are not highly effective when used on their own
d) contraceptives containing nonoxynyl-9 may cause vaginal epithelial damage and inc risk of HIV transmission
Choose all correct answers:
a) a substitute-decision maker cannot consent to a non-therapeutic permanent sterilization procedure for a mentally incompetent patient
b) the absolute risk of ectopic pregnancy is lower in women post TL than in women who have not had the procedure
c) the 10-year failure rate of TL is 2%
d) the greatest side effect of TL is regret, with young age being the greatest risk factor
Choose the correct answers:
a) tubal sterilization is more effective than vasectomy
b) tubal sterilization is more invasive than vasectomy
c) vasectomy is effective immediately after surgery
d) vasectomy does not increase the risk of prostate/testicular cancer
c -false only after semen analysis shows azoospermia (<1x10^6)
What factors should be discussed with a pt prior to performing a permanent tubal sterilization?
risks of procedure
alternatives (LARC and male vasectomy)
risk of regret
Post tubal sterilization, how long should patients use a backup method of contraception for (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic)?
laparoscopic - one week
hysteroscopic - 3 months (until imaging shows bilateral occlusion)
Name 4 types of “natural family planning”
- fertility awareness
- lactational amenorrhea
- coitus interruptus
- abstinence
What methods might women use for the “fertility awareness” method?
1 standard days (no ic days 8-19 of cycle)
2 calendar days (calculate window based on shortest and longest cycle in a calendar year)
3 symptothermal method
4 cervical mucus (Billing’s) method
5 basal body temperature
What is the mechanism of action of lactational amenorrhea
Disruption of HPO axis.. GnRH pulsatility is disrupted resulting in reduced LH production and amenorrhea