Continuous-time Markov chains Flashcards
Describe a birth process
N_0 >= 0 and s N_s < N_t
Single arrival property
Conditionally independent increments
pg 110
What is a stochastic semigroup?
P_t = (p_ij(t) ) satisfies
- P_0 = I
- P_t is stochastic
- P_{s+t} = P_s P_t (CK equations)
When is the semigroup P_t called standard?
lim (t↓0)Pt = I (= P0)
Define holding times of a continuous time Markov chain. What distribution do they follow?
H|i = inf{s ≥ 0 : Xt+s =/= i | Xt = i} = distr. = inf{s ≥ 0 : Xs =/= i | X0 = i}
They follow an exponential distribution (pg100)
State the Kolmogorov forward and backward equations
a continuous-time Markov chain with
stochastic semigroup {Pt} and generator G satisfies
forward: P’_t = P_tG
backward: P’_t = GP_t
Define the generator of a Markov chain
The generator G = (gij )i,j∈E of the Markov chain with stochastic semigroup Pt is defined as the card(E) × card(E)-matrix given by
G := limδ↓0 1/δ[P_δ − I] = limδ↓0 1/δ[P_δ − P_0],
That is, P_t is differentiable at t=0
Write P_t in matrix exponential form
P_t = sum_{n=0}^inf (t^n / n!) G^n = e^{tG}
note: In a continuous time Markov chain, if pij (t) > 0, for some t > 0, then pij (t) > 0 for all t > 0.
pg 105
What is an irreducible Markov chain?
One where the transition probability matrix P is s.t. for any i, j in E we have p_ij(n) > 0 for some n
Define the limiting distribution of a continuous time markov chain
A distribution π is the limiting distribution of a continuous-time Markov chain if, for all states i, j ∈ E, we have
lim t→∞ pij (t) = πj
When do we have π = πP_t for all t ≥ 0 ?
Subject to regularity conditions, we have π = πPt for all t ≥ 0 if and only if πG = 0