Continuous discovery habits/book Flashcards
Who is the author of the continuous discovery habits book?
Teresa Torres
What book did Teresa Torres write?
She wrote the book titled continuous discovery habits, Discovery products that create customer values and business value
Who did the forward of Theresa Torres book Call continuous discovery habits?
Chris mercuri
What role does Chris mercuri Play in his company?
He is a product manager
What is the pressure that many product managers feel?
There is a huge pressure to solve customer problems and drive business value.
Chris mercuri Has searched all over the Internet looking for a guide that can tell you how to do great what?
How to do great product discovery
What does the book continuous discovery habits teach in a nutshell?
The continuous discovery habits book lays out the key elements of an end to end modern product discovery approach
What are five key elements you will learn after reading the continuous discovery habits book?
You will learn
how to set outcomes,
uncover customer problems,
come up with creative solutions,
test assumptions quickly,
What can we gain from practicing the habits talked about in the continuous discovery habits book and what can we expect to gain from further reading this book?
You will go from chopping and changing our discovery approach and needing lots of meetings to work out what to do next to a more structured discovery process. People knew what was expected of them and delivered more consistent results.
We shifted away from a more superficial understanding of our customers. Instead of relying on heavy, in frequent research, we developed a deeper understanding of the customers needs, problems, and desires through regular contact and lightweight research methods.
We shifted away from discovery and delivery being separate responsibilities. Now there’s more collaboration, with most of the team involved in customer interviews, mapping the customer journey, ideating on solutions, and discussing results. The whole team contributes at key points along the way, and we learn and adjust our course together.
With our leaders, we no longer wait to show them big reports and presentations. Now we have the tools to show them our thinking earlier and have better conversations about where to go to next. By applying the continuous discovery habits, we improve customer and business outcomes, but the reward for the team was even bigger, which is confidence. The habits gave us the confidence that we knew what we were doing. And after a few wins, we started to believe that we could achieve anything.
Who did the second forward in the book continuous discovery habits?
Marty Cagan
Where does Marty Cagan work?
He works for the silicon valley product group
What was Teresa Tories exposed to Stanford university?
Human centered design
Many companies fall into the trap and doing what two things?
They fall into the trap of chasing the next cell or obsessing about their competitors because many companies especially start ups didn’t have a better model for product management. They didn’t know what a good look like
What is Teresa Torres’s job title currently?
She is a product discovery coach
What does Teresa Torres teach companies to do?
She teaches product teams how to create successful products by obsessing about customer needs, pain points, and desires
She teaches teams made up of product managers, designers, and engineers how to make team decisions about what to build.
Is discovery a one time activity?
No discovery isn’t a one time activity. A digital product has never done. It can and should continue to evolve. As we learn more about our market, as our customers needs change, as new technology becomes available, good products adapt
Agile manifesto?
The authors of the agile manifesto advocated for shorter cycles with more frequent customer feedback. Second, they proposed working at a pace that could be sustained continuously, rather than furiously scurrying from 1 mile stone to another. Third, he advocated for maximum flexibility, having the ability to adapt to customer feedback quickly and easily. And forth they advocated for simplicity. They were concerned with how much of what they built was never used or offered limited value and instead advocated for teams to ruthlessly limit what they built.
Name two popular agile framework’s?
Scrum and kanban
In the early days of UX design what were too popular ways or means for collecting customer feedback?
User experience design and user research
In the early days of UX design leader struggle to give up what?
Leader struggle to give a ownership of discovery. Even with shorter cycles and more customer feedback, business stakeholder still clung to their original ideas. Most teams aren’t very good at estimating unpredictable work who is? In their shorter cycles aptly named sprints and scrum truly became biweekly sprints killing any chance of finding continuous sustainable pace. The rest of the business continued operating on an annual budget in cycle, making true flexibility nearly impossible
What were three weaknesses in early UX design?
Usability testing was often done too late in the process, making it hard to address the substantial issues that were so often uncovered. He’s a research was often outsourced to design agencies who did project-based research. And finally, teams continued to be measured by what they delivered, not whether anyone used it or if it treated any value for the customers are the business.
What is the biggest struggle the businesses have when it comes to US design?
Deciding what to build
What is the modern day cross functional team composed of?
Product managers, designers, and software engineers
Outside the product trio talked about in this book one or four other areas that could be considered important also?
Having a product marketer or product marketers, data analyst, user researchers, and customer success representatives
What are three things that many teams Chase?
Many teams Chase frameworks, tools, and methodologies, hoping that each new innovation will suddenly unlock the door to product success. However, for most frameworks, tools, and methodologies to be successful, it’s not just your tactics that need to change but also your mindset. The same will be true for the tactics in this book.
There are six mindsets it must be cultivated to successfully adopt the habits outlined in this book, name those six mindsets?
One. Outcome oriented
Two. Customer centric
Three. Collaborative
Four. Visual
Five. Experimental
Six. Continuous
Outcome oriented?
The first mindset is both a mindset and a habit. But the mindset requires that you start thinking in outcomes rather than outputs. That means rather than defining your success by the code that you ship which is your output, you define success has the real value that Coach creates for your customers and for your business which are the outcomes. Rather than measuring value inn features and bells and whistle’s, we measure success in impact, the impact we have on our customers lives and the impact we have on the sustainability and growth of our business
Customer centric?
Customer centric is the second mindset and it places the customer at the center of our world. It requires that we not lose sight of the fact, even though many companies have, at the purpose of business is to create and serve a customer. We Elevate customers needs to be on par with business needs and focus on creating customer value as well as business value
The third mindset requires that you embrace the cross functional nature of digital product work and reject the siloed model, Where we hand off deliverables through stage gates. Rather than the product manager besides, the designer designs, and the engineer codes, we embrace a model or we make team decisions leveraging the expertise and knowledge that we each bring to those decisions.
The fourth mindset encourages us to step beyond the comfort of spoken and written language and to tap into our immense power as spatial thinkers. The habits in this book will encourage you to draw, to externalize you’re thinking, and to map what you know. Cognitive psychologist has shown in study after study that human beings have an immense capacity for spatial reasoning. The habbits in this book will help you tap into that capacity.
The fifth mindset encourages you to Don your scientific thinking how. Many of us may not have scientific training, but, to do discovery well, we need to learn to think like a scientist identify in assumptions and gathering evidence. The habits in this book will help you develop in Hawn and experimental mindset.
And finally, habits will help you evolve from a project mindset to a continuous mindset. Rather than thinking about discovery as something that we do at the beginning of a project, you will learn to infuse discovery continuously throughout your development process. This will ensure that you were always able to get fast answers to your discovery questions, helping to ensure that you are building something that your customers want and will enjoy
In many product teams today what are three things that they are already doing?
Customer interviews, usability testing, and AV testing are pervasive.
What is rare in mini product teams today?
What is rare is for teams to adopt these discovery activities in a structured and sustainable way, enabling them to continuously infuse their product decisions with customer input.
What is a working definition of continuous discovery and what are four items at modern day teams use?
At a minimum, weekly touch points with customers
By the team building the product
Where they conduct small research activities
In pursuit of a desired outcome
Product teams make decisions every day. Our goal with continuous discovery is to infuse those daily decisions with as much customer input as possible. If teams are only engaging with customers on a monthly basis, they are making a months worth of decisions without customer input.
Over the course of this book, you will learn habits it will help you do what?
You will learn habits it will help you adopt a continuous cadence in a structured and sustainable way.
You will learn how to do your own research so that you can get fast answers to daily questions
You will learn how to modify traditional research activities to make them sustainable week over a week
And most importantly, you will learn to ensure that your research is in service of pursuing a desired business outcome while meeting customers needs
What did peter Drucker say about managers?
He said managers must convert societies needs into opportunities for profitable business
What did Albert Einstein say he would do if he were trying to solve a problem?
If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem in five minutes thinking about the solutions
For years Wells Fargo was known for what?
Wells Fargo was known for its cross-selling strategy