Continuity and Change- 1. Research Methods Flashcards
2 features of primary and secondary research
Social and cultural literacy (the idea that people should possess a body of knowledge, understanding and skills that allows them to share, communicate effectively, and respect themselves and others)
Case Study def, +, and -
Informative piece of writing that is written about a person, group or unit.
S= in depth and informative
W= possible bias
Focus Group def, +, and -
Group of people who answers a set of questions in detail
S= variety of detailed answers
W= false answers because in group setting
Observation def, +, and -
Action of observing a person, group or thing, to see its behaviours
S= uninfluenced
W= risk of unethical research
Secondary Research def, +, and -
Gaining information from sources that already exist, and are other peoples work
S= highly useful and reliable
W= potential of accidental plagiarism
Interview def, +, and -
Open-ended questions, qualitative
S= detailed answers
W= may not be truthful
Questionnaire def, +, and -
Closed and open ended questions that gathers opinions
S= variety of answers
W= untruthful