Continence Flashcards
Explain how you would take a continence history?
Presenting Complaint:
-Tell me about whats brought you in?
-Is it incontinence of urine or faeces?
-What type of incontinence? Stress/ urgency etc
-Do you leak?
-How do you currently manage it?
-Any pain or burning on urination?
-Any blood in urine or faeces?
-Do you feel like youve completly emptied your bladder or bowels when youve been?
-How often are you going?
-Any urinary hesitancy or dribbling?
-Any signs of infection? Fever, pain, etc
Past Medical History:
- Do you have any medical conditions?
-Any previous surgeries?
Drug History:
-On any current medications?
-Take any over the counter meds?
-Any drug allergies?
Social History:
-Do you drink alcohol?
-Do you smoke?
-Do you drink caffeine/ fizzy drinks?
-How much do you drink?
-Have you any children?
-How do you manage ADLs?
-What is your home situation?
-Is there anyone at home with you?
Family History:
-Any medical conditions which run in the family
Suggest 6 things you should include in a continence examination?
1- Review of bladder and bowel diary
2-Abdominal examination
3-Urine dipstick and MSU
4-PR examination including prostate assessment in a male
5- External genitalia review particularly looking for atrophic vaginitis in females
6- A post micturition bladder scan
What are 3 disadvanatges with urine dipsticks?
- Not useful in >65s
- A dipstick result alone is not suffice to make a diagnosis.
- False positives are common e..g menstrual blood, not a recent urine smaple, exercise and dehydration can influence result.
What does the presence of each of these on a urine dipstick suggest?
1- Infection
4-Dibetes, AKI
5-Haematuria from trauma, infection, inflammation, infarction, calculi, neoplasia, clotting disorders or chronic infection
On bladder scanning a individual what volume of urine should you expect to see post void?
100ml post void residual volume is normal
List 6 types of incontinence?
1-Stress incontinence
2-Urge incontinence
3-Mixed Incontinence
4-Overflow incontinence
5-Functional incontinence
6-Overactive bladder
Define Stress Incontinence.
“The complaint of involuntary leakage of urine on effort or exertion, or on increasing abdominal pressure e.g. sneezing or coughing”
Define urge incontinence.
“The complaint of involuntary leakage of urine accompanied by urgency.”
Define mixed incontinence.
“The complaint of involuntary leakage of urine on effort, exertion or on increasing abdominal pressure, associated with urgency.”
Define overflow incontinence
“Inability to completely empty the bladder ( due to a weak bladder muscle or blockage) resulting in the frequent involuntary leakage of urine.”
Define overactive bladder.
A frequent and sudden urge to urinate that may be difficult to control
Define functional incontinence.
Physical inability to get to the toilet in time e.g. reduced mobility, reduced motor movement undoing zip.
Complete this table for urge incontinence
Complete this table for stress incontinence.
Complete this table for mixed incontinence.