Contextual Flashcards
Destructive entitlement relates to an individual’s
Self justifying effort to gain his or her just entitlement
The root cause of family dysfunction as viewed by contextual therapists is
Lack of justice and trust
Vertical relationships exist between
Members of succeeding generations
Balance of give (obligations) and take (merits) results in
Sense of justice and trust
The most powerful dimension in contextual therapy is
Relational ethics
If an individual is abusive, he or she is likely to be considered by a contextual therapist as a/an:
Victim of abuse
The primary therapeutic technique used by a contextual therapist is
Multidirected partiality
The instrument might a contextual therapist use to assess family status of trust, entitlement, and loyalty is the
Relational ethics scale
A person in therapy suggesting that he or she felt guilty might be reflective of
An imbalance of obligation and entitlements.
A therapist who utilizes multidirected partiality is
Partial to all family member’s side of the story
Overall Goal of contextual therapy is
Address injustices and distrust which are causes of dysfunction
Short term goal
Stopping destructive actions and building a trustworthy relationship between the therapist and the client.
Long term goal of contextual is
Building trustworthy interactions in the family
Ivan boszormeny-Nagy; Geraldine Spark; Katherine Ducomin-Nagy; Terry Hargrave; David Ulrich; Barbara Krasner are key theorist or figures for
Contextual family therapy.
Builds relational resources. There is a confidence that the individual’s needs will be met by another person without manipulation or threats of retribution.
Refers to a persona sense of obligation to another that results from previous benefits that the person has experienced in the relationship to the other.
Forgiveness, can help relive guilt
Restore trustworthiness by assisting family with obligations and entitlement.
Contextual uses the dimension of
Relational ethics, where feelings of “cheated” and “guilty” are listened for
Multidirected partiality
Give due consideration to individual interests in various relational dimensions (factual, psychological, transactional, and ethical).
Revolving slate
Generational perpetuation where One generation damaged the next innocent generation , destructive entitlement.