Context for Mathematics: Statements Flashcards
A statement, proposition, or assumption that precedes a conclusion, in an argument.
A conclusion made from two more more premises.
The following is an example of…
“If it is hot, then I will go swimming.
It is hot.
Therefore, I will go swimming.”
Premise and Argument
(Statements and Conclusions)
Any sentence or expression that has a truth value – that is may be considered true or false.
Type of statement that cannot be broken down into smaller statements. Also known as a proposition.
Simple Statement
The following are examples of a…
“It rains tomorrow.
The streets will be flooded.
Traffic will be slow.”
Simple Statement
A statement that contains one or more other statements, combined or modified in some way.
Compound Statement
The following is an example of a…
“If it rains tomorrow, then the streets will be flooded and traffic will be slow.”
Compound Statement
Common operations used to combine or modify simple statements.
Hint: there are 4.
An operation that combines two or more statements into a compound statement that is true if and only if all of the components are true.
The following is an example of a…
“Roses are red and violets are blue.”
Represented by the operator ∧ or the word “and”
A ∧ B
An operation that combines two or more statements that is true if and only if at least one of the components is true.
The following is an example of a…
“I’ll clean the house today, or you’ll clean it tomorrow.”
Represented by the operator ∨ or the word “or”
A ∨ B
Operation that includes the possibility of both propositions, meaning and and or both make the statement true.
Compound statement of the form
“if P, then Q.
P implies Q.
P only if Q.
P → Q”
Also called implication.
Conditional Statement
The following are examples of a…
“If a snake has rattles, then it’s venomous.
That a snake has rattles implies that it’s venomous.
A snake rattles only if it’s venomous.”
Conditional Statement (Implication)
Combination of two conditional statements, where either both are true or both are false.
Biconditional statement
A compound statement in the form
“if P, then Q AND if Q, then P”
P if and only if Q
P ↔ Q”
Biconditional Statement
The following is an example of a…
“A number is even if and only if it is divisible by 2.”
Biconditional Statement
A logical construct used in a compound statement to give information on the number of subjects for which a statement is true.