context Flashcards
Influences on Shakespeare: 1
- Brian Annesley- whose daughters had tried to declare him insane in order to gain his property
- William Allen- whose daughters tried to swindle their own father and gain his money by improper means.
James I
- First performed boxing day 1606- the king was there.
- He had been the king for two years at this stage, previously ruler of Scotland, now he ruled both England and scotland
- The play promotes untiy as the best way- leard dividing his kingdomis distastrous and causes chaos
The divine right of kings
- King- God’s representative on Earth. God is responsible for deciding who kings and queens should be.
- Abdicating was not an option since the king had been chosen by God.
Years before James I
- Elizabeth I successfully ruled the country- the audience were familiar with the idea of strong, powerful women.
- Before Elizabeth england was in great termoil. Protestant vs Catholics (The kind of civil division we see in King Lear)
- Lear refers to Goneril and Regan as “Those pelican daughters” alluding to Elizabeths speech.
Gunpowder plot
1605- Guyfawkes and fellow conspirators aimed to kill the king and blow up the houses of parliament, there fore audience familiar with the idea of plotting against the king
The great chain of being
Belief that if you were born into a particular place you couldn’t rise
Religion 1. 2. 3. 4.
- the 10 commandments were the foundation for morality (Most relevant: 5 honor your parents, 6 you shall not murder, 7 you shall not commit adultery)
- The lack of morality by many characters in th play and the terribly consequences of this, indirectly promotes christian values since we are shown the disastrous reality of a world without christianity.
- suicide is sinfull (Hell)
- christians would have expected divine justice to exist in the play
Superstition and natural order
- when the natural order is upset, this was believed to be reflected in nature and the heavens (The storm)
- People were extremely superstitious and believed stars and planet alignment influenced human behaviour
- supernatural- evil forces, tempting evil
Reaction to violence
Public hanging, violence and dead bodies being paraded in public was comman - therefore the audience wouldn’t have been shocked by the violence in the play.
The new man:
Ambitious, ruthless, individualistic, self-interested, felt no obligation to old feudal customs
King Lear is a tragedy- death is expected
Protagonist Lear has a “tragic flaw” which eventually leads to his downfall. (Lear is blind to his daughters true nature)
Madness was seen as being brought on an individual if they committed a sin or if they were being plagued by the devil.
“Foul fiend” is frequently refered to by Edgar
Law was adhered to- Eldest son inherits money and property.
Poverty and inequality
society was ver unequal during this period.
The enclosures act led to many people losing their land and home (Roam the country as beggars)
what does this mean ?
turn of fortune
Tragedy/ wheel of fortune
what does this mean ?
Moment of recognition - (Lear when he is mad )