Context Flashcards
Who inspired Daisy’s Character
Ginevra King, met at Princeton University
Rparing 20s
also known as Jazz Age
Reaction against WWI
Decade seen as a reaction against WWI, when people became more secularised, more materialistic and when issues such as modern media, music and fashion started to influence society
Age of Excess
clamp downs in the next decade
Great Depression and Prohibition Era in 1930s
Micro settings
Gatsby’s mansion
Wilson’s garage
Tom’s apartment
The Plaza Hotel
Central Park
Macro settings
Long Island
East Egg
West Egg
The Valley of the Ashes
New York City
tragedies often present the fall of high status character
main character usually makes a mistake that impacts them and the characters around them
Psychoanalysis - Gatsby
his unconscious desire to be with Daisy but he knows that in reality, this may not work out for the good
Psychoanalysis - Daisy
unconsciously Daisy appears to want to be with Gatsby, but she feels he is too criminalised to be a true partner so she sticks with Tom
Psychoanalysis - Wilson
aware of the effect Tom has on him but seems unable to do anything about him, appears to have a lost sense of what is important
Psychoanalysis - Tom
unconscious desire is perhaps to be with Myrtle, but eventually he is forced to accept reality (for sake of Pammy) and stays with Daisy
Psychoanalysis - Myrtle
her marriage has broken down so she thinks she wishes to be with Tom
idea that the way we behave as humans is largely driven by unconscious desires.