Content - Origins and Meaning Flashcards
Catholic teaching on Creation St Augustine and ex nihilo-
Catholics believe that God created the universe but not exactly as it says in Gen:1 (6 days) and Gen:2 (Adam and Eve). These are myths that contain basic truths.
God created Everything
Everything he created was good
He gave it to humans to look after
Human beings were the highpoint of his creation
God could do this because he is omnipotent
St Augustine wrote Confessions in 400AD
In it, he explores the idea of God creating the universe out of nothing
“you oh Lord …made something in the beginning out of nothing…From nothing, you created heaven and earth”
His ideas are important in influencing the beliefs of Catholics.
Catholics and Fundamentalists - differing views on Creation
Myth - a story that is not literally true but conveys a deeper message
Catholics see Creation stories as myths. Believe Big Bang and Darwin
Fundamentalists - they believe every word of the bible to be factually true, i.e. it really took six days to create the universe
They reject the ideas of Big Bang and Evolution
But Catholics and fundamentalists do agree on the message of the stories:
. God made everything
. Everything that God made was good
. Humans are the high point of God’s creation
Bible is the word of God so can’t be wrong. God would not tell us things that are not true. Humans have no right to put their own interpretation on Gods word.
Catholic Sees the creation stories in the Bible as symbolic Tree = Free Will Snake = Temptation Rib = Equality Apple = Sin
Religious Responses to Scientific Accounts of Creation
The Big Bang - Science explains creation. Explosion 15 billion years ago led to the creation of the universe. Most Catholics believe that scientific accounts of Creation are true. They believe that the Big Bang is how the universe came into. existence but God made it happen this way.
Evolution - Darwins theory of natural selection - survival of the fittest. Richard Dawkins sees it as proof there is no God. Catholic Church teaches Evolution is acceptable - it explains how God created life
“Science without Religion is lame; religion without Science is blind” - Albert Einstein
St Catherine of Siena and Imago Dei
1.) All Christians believe that human life is made in the image of God so life is SACRED and should be protected, “in the image of God he created them, male and female” (Gen 1)
2.) Catholics believe that as only humans are made in Gods image they have a special dignity.
3.) They have a soul and so one day will join God in heaven.
4.) they are free to make their own choices - “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden…” (Gen 2)
Sanctity of Life - Life is holy, it belongs to God, it should be protected.
St Catherine said three important things about humans being made in Gods image:
- ) Humans originate from God in the same way children originate from their parents. So we are like God.
- ) Conscience - God made us know right from wrong.
- ) Love - the fact that humans are made with dignity and in God’s image shows that God loves us.
Abortion - Christian attitudes
Roman Catholic + fundamentalist: always think abortion is wrong because:
. God gives life so only he can take it away.
. Life begins at conception so mustn’t harm it.
. 10 Commandments says “Thou shalt not kill.”
. Catechism and popes have forbidden it.
. Guilt/trauma for the patient after they have had one.
. Everyone’s life is valuable inc. handicapped people.
. Adoption is a much better option.
Protestant Christians - do not like abortion but:
. May allow if the lesser of 2 evils (eg victim of rape)
. Possibly okay because life does not begin at conception.
. Stops suffering of people involved and Jesus said to remove suffering.
Humanists and Abortion
Humanists would describe themselves who want to lead a good life without the need for religion. They are Atheists. They are often very critical of religious groups.
Humanists and Abortion
. They tend to see it as morally acceptable
. Do not believe in the sanctity of life but do believe life is precious.
. Think that quality of life is most important - more so than preserving it.
. Don’t think an unborn baby is a person
. Tend to think rights of the mother outweigh unborn child.
. Support provision of safe, legal abortion service and also good sex education and contraception.
Peter Singer - Humanist
. Believes that life begins at conception but that if you can not reason and make moral choices you are not a human person.
. This also applies to Euthanasia - for example in the case of restricted brain function
. Believes that in many ways animals are just as important as human beings and to treat them as inferior is “speciesist”
Roman Catholic Response to Singer’s views
. God gives all people a soul - which they have even before they are born - so should not be harmed even if unborn or unconscious.
. Humans are created Imago Dei so more important than animals, People have a special dignity that animals don’t.
God and Humans as portrayed in Genesis 1 and 2.
Genesis 1 - the six days of creation
Shows God is: Creator of the universe
Transcendent - exists above and beyond Creation. Unlike anything else.
Eternal - was there at the beginning and will be there at the end.
Omnipotent - All-powerful. He created everything!
Genesis 2 - Adam and Eve
Shows God is: Creator of the universe
Transcendent - exists above and beyond Creation. Unlike anything else.
Omnipotent - All-powerful. He created everything!
Omnibenevolent - God created everything for humans because he loves them so much. He gave us all that we need.
Immanent - God is here, very much at work in the world.
Human beings. - Both stories show the following:
Humans were created in Gods image
Human beings were the highpoint of God’s Creation
God put human beings in charge of what he had created
God gave humans freewill - the freedom to make choices
How and why Catholics show good stewardship of Creation
Stewardship - the idea that we must look after the environment that God created.
Good Samaritan (Lk 10) - we must love and care for our neighbors.
Genesis 2v15 - tells us God put us in charge of creation.
Laudito Si 78 (Pope Francis) - human beings have a duty to protect the world and develop its potential.
Locally - Reduce the volume of unnecessary rubbish: recycle more, walk or use public transport and take part in local environmental projects.
Nationally - Put pressure on politicians to pass laws that protect environment/endangered species, support environmentally friendly businesses, pressure companies to develop environmentally friendly policies.
Globally - Pressure governments to work together to tackle environmental issues, boycott companies that threaten the environment.
Humanists and Care for Creation
Like Catholics, Humanists also believe that we should look after the environment but for different reasons.
“Good without God” - We should lead a good life because it is the only one we have. Believe in looking after other people even human beings who are not born.”
Population Control - see the population increase and overcrowding as a threat to life on Earth. Puts pressure on essential resources, food, water, and fuel.
Believe these tensions lead to war - artificial birth control should be used.
Speciesism - Believe we care more about ourselves and not enough about other species, It is as bad as Racism or Sexism. Think that animals even insects are just as bad as people. Catholics disagree.
The Bible - history, and types of writing.
. Catholics Believe God reveals himself in the Bible
. Writers were inspired by the Holy Spirit
. Don’t believe every word to be true
Old Testament - before Jesus’ Birth
Law - first five books - rules of living
History - Book of ___ - The story of Israelites and their Kings
Wisdom - Poems, proverbs, and other wise writings.
Propechy - Messengers sent by God to speak out Gods message.
New Testament - written in Greek after Jesus died
Gospels - the good news of Jesus’ life and death
Letters - Written by apostles to different Christian Communities.
Acts of the apostles - the story of the early Church.
Revelation - describes the end of the world and the victory of Jesus.
Different Christian Views of the Bible
Catholics - people who wrote the Bible were inspired by God
. Not everything in it is literally true.
. Church has to work out what the writer was trying to say.
Catholics would be less inclined to apply this to the new testament.
. Believe Miracles and Ressurection are True.
Fundamentalists - believe every word of the Bible is true.
believe there are no errors in the Bible.
Some Protestant Christians interpret the Bible more than Catholics. - e.g - miracle of the Feeding of the 5000 - didn’t actually produce food for 5000 but perhaps got them to share food.
Michelangelo’s - The Creation of Adam
. Two figures are very similar - Humans are made in the image of God.
. Adam is shown as perfect - full of strength tells us human beings are beautiful.
. God is Powerful yet ancient. God has been in existence for far longer than we have.
. hands of both figures reaching out suggest that they are longing for a close relationship.
. Offended by Nudity.
. God is shown as Old - out of touch or close to death?
. All human beings are not as physically perfect as Adam - God does not care for those with deformations/disabilities?
Symbolism - Tree of Life
Symbolism - meaning hidden in Art.
Cross - shows the crucifixion of Jesus. Cross is called the Tree of life. Symbolizes that Jesus is the new Adam - the tree Jesus died in brings life.
Alpha and Omega - First and last letters of the Greek Alphabet. Remind us God has no beginning and no end.
Chi-Rho - X and P are the first two letters of Christ in Greek - emphasizes the importance of Christ.
The Lambs - 13 lambs, the one with the halo is Jesus - the “Lamb of God” - who was sacrificed to save us all like a lamb sacrificed to God.
The Doves - 12 doves represent the twelve disciples and also the Holy spirit at Pentecost.
Four Evangelists - Wrote the gospels which tell Jesus’ life story.
Catholic Social Teaching
Imago Dei - we are all made in the image of God. A Church document called Gaudium et Spes links to this idea creating a better world ‘the basic equality of all must receive greater recognition.”
Justice - many people today do not receive basic human rights.
Peace - people suffer due to wars and conflict and bullying in society.
Reconciliation - copy the work of Nelson Mandela
Catholic Church
Britain is a multi-faith Society but brings problems:
. Racism and Discrimination
. Tensions between different religious groups
. Violent extremists can give other faiths a bad name.
Catholic Church needs to:
. Identify common ground with other religions
. Promote understanding, respect, and tolerance.
. Work with other faiths to promote this.
Work of CAFOD.
CAFOD - Catholic overseas aid charity - the main focus is stopping environmental damage
Imago Dei means all people should be treated the same.
Good Samaritan - we must love and care for our neighbors (LK 10)
Laudito Si 78 (Pope Francis) - humans have a duty to care for creation.
. don’t have more than you need
. Recycle, use more renewable energy, walk don’t drive.
. Live in solidarity - lifestyle choices and effects
Help people overseas
Teaching communities to grow drought-resistant crops e.g peas and sunflowers.
The work of The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP)
SVP was founded in 1833 - works with poor in society.
Believes everyone was created Imago Dei.
Hostels - A place for people to stay overnight if they are homeless and living on the streets
Drop-in Centres - People who are homeless need to have somewhere to go during the day.
Parent and Child support - provide parenting classes and playgroups but also crèche facilities to enable parents to have some free time.
Home visits - the core of their work, SVP volunteers visit the old, lonely, soc, mentally ill, and vulnerable in their homes.
Christmas - SVp collects presents and food items for poorer members of the community.