Content Flashcards
surveillance, ecologic, cross-sectional
no advance hypothesis
accept association may be causal or not
use pre-existing data
hypothesis testing
hypothesis poses casual link
collect new data or make use of existing data
observational studies - case-control, cohort
experimental studies - RCT, interventions
John Graunt
counted number of people who have died by looking through by age and sex –> looked at patterns
analyzed weekly mortality reports
contributions: use of existing data, descriptive epi, describe mortality rates by person, place, time
James Lind
First clinical trial - sailors with scurvy in different treatment groups
contributions: develped method of experimental study design, tested hypothesis, group assignment, intervention
William Farr
Collected vital statistics and reported death by time, location, age, sex, occupation and cause
supported miasma
association between altitude and cholera mortality
contributions: collection of accurate health statistics data, interpret data to identify etiology of disease, developed method for standard mortality rate
Miasma theory
cholera caused by polluted gases from decaying organic matter inhaled
prevented by better sanitation
John Snow
Medical practitioner, anesthesiologist
Challenged miasma theory of cholera transmission
Grand experiment - water companies moved water source above tidal flow of thames river
Father of modern epi
formation of causal hypothesis based on prior knowledge and observation
design study to test causal hypothesis
collection of primary data
address problems of confounding, adherence, missing data
Austin Bradford Hill
Randomized Control Trial of streptomycin for treatment of TB
patients with TB assigned to strep + bed rest vs bed rest alone
Contributions: randomization, comparison to standard of care, blinding, equipoise
Richard Doll
Prospective cohort study of heavy smokers –> lung cancer
case control study of people with and without long cancer and previous smoking history
contributions to epi: study design development, obtain outcome data from existing data, matching, causality - Hill’s criteria
Hill’s criteria for causality
temporal relationship, strength of association, dose-response relationship, biological plausibility, consideration of alternate explanations or confounding factors, replication of findings, cessation of exposure, consistency with other knowledge, specificity of association
Framingham Heart Study and Nurses’ Health Study
1958 and 1980
Framingham: establish risk factors for CVD
Nurses’: prospective cohort study for long-term effects of oral contraceptives
Contributions: landmark prospective cohort studies, detailed prospective data collection for prospective cohort study, analytic method
Epi objectives
determine extent of disease in pop
identify patterns and trends in disease occurrence
identify causes and risk factors for disease
evaluate effectiveness of preventive and therapeutic interventions and public health programs
applications of epi
study history of disease and describe health events
identify risk factors and causes of diseases
monitor and evaluation
identify control and preventive measures
ratio of probability of occurrence of event to probability of nonoccurrence
part/non-part or p/(1-p)
odds vs proportions
small proportions (part/whole) aka rare events = approximates odds large proportions = value does not approximate value for odds (non-rare events)
of existing cases at point in time / # in total pop
factors that increase prevalence
increase incidence, longer duration, prolongation of life without cure, in-migration of cases, in-migration of susceptible people, out-migration of healthy people, better diagnosis of reporting
factors that decrease prevalence
decreased incidence, shorter duration, high case fatality, in-migration of health people, out-migration of cases, improved cure rates
of new cases of disease / # of population initially at risk
cumulative incidence
# of new cases over specified time / # at risk in population value increases with increased period of follow-up
attack rate
subjects who develop infectious outcome / # at risk during outbreak
case fatality rate
subjects who die / those who develop a disease
survival rate
1 - cumulative incidence for death # of participants who don't die during follow-up / number of subjects at risk for dying
concerns of cumulative incidence
assumes every is followed for same period of time
lost to follow up (censoring aka lack of knowledge for outcome of the individual)
competing risks (removes participant from being at risk from outcome of interest)
incidence rate
solution to difficulty with cumulative incidence # of new cases of disease / total person-time of observation
odds ratio
odds of developing the disease among exposed compared to odds of developing the disease among unexposed case-control small risks: OR = RR larger risks (common): OR =/= RR
risk ratio
relative effect associated with exposure
null value = 1
>1: risk or odds of disease is greater in exposed
risk difference
absolute effect associated with exposure
null value = 0
>0: risk of disease greater in exposed
gold standard for causal inference
trasnparent method and guidelines from WHO
standardized approaches
look at all the evidence to date and make decisions according to this
ecological study
look at associations and interpret data
strengths - hypothesis generating, less time and resource intensive
limitations - country-level data, ecological fallacy, confounding
cross-sectional study
snapshot of population
strengths - one stop shopping, less expensive, can detect effect of exposure that do not vary over time
limitations - temporal relationship not clear, prevalence in function of incidence and duration, prevalent cases may be over-represented by cases with long disease duration
case-control study
investigator enrolls cases and controls and records exposure status
strengths - efficient design for rare outcomes, quick to complete, inexpensive, easy to study multiple exposures, disease has long induction or latent periods, exposures and risk factors are not known well, exposure is difficult to obtain
limitations - no estimate of incidence is possible, control choice may be different, recall bias is possible, can’t infer something about overall population
cohort study
observational; enroll participants free of disease, but at risk; follow up over time
strengths - exposure measured before outcome, estimate incidence in exposure group, easy to study multiple outcomes, allow study of rare exposures (risk ratio, hazard ratio)
limitations - inefficient for rare outcomes, costly and time consuming, confounding, size of exposure and unexposed may not reflect source population
Calculate - incidence rate, risk ratio
nested case control study
use data from cohort, but info you are looking at hasn’t been studied
Faster and easier, because the data is already there
randomized clinical trial
gold standard for causality, random allocation, equipoise, blinding
strengths - gold standard for causality, avoid bias by confounding, clear that exposure precedes outcome, estimate incidence, can study several outcomes
limitations - not always possible or ethical (equipoise), inefficient for rare or delayed outcomes
case cohort study
controls selected from cohort at beginning of time period
density case-control study
controls sampled each time case occurs (risk set sampling)
cumulative case-control study
controls sampled from disease-free for entire period (chosen at end of study)
prospective cohort study
follow-up period occurs chronologically after start of study period