Forms of creative activity that are performed in front of audience, such as drama, music, and dance. of all the different forms of art, it is much appreciated and enjoyed by people.
contemporary performing arts
indigenous music instrumental and vocal
before the arrival of spaniards
promulgated religious music
spanish colonization
through the public school system, taught children simple hymns and Filipino songs rendered in a Western style or beat.
the americans
it is still influenced by foreign music, eventually ‘Filipinized’ flavor through the use of vernacular in lyrics and creation of wholly original compositions.
mid-twentieth-century filipino music
-a musical form that is a product of Spanish colonization.
-art song that signifies love and affection for someone
-highly emotional and sentimental
kundiman and harana
Traditionally a song that narrates an event in a community.
In modern times, the term ______ has been applied to descibe love songs
is an artist whose set of songs is primarily composed of romantic songs.
-a form of instrumental music composed by a small ensemble wherein each part is played by one player.
-usually performed by a group of three to eight musicians.
chamber music
a musical composition intended to be performed by a group of singers called choir.
choral music
arranged according to voice categories such as soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
-are songs intended for Christian church services
-Its early form was inspired by Jewish chants during their religious rituals.
liturgical music
-combination of both music and theater
-it is a sung drama that entails collaborative efforts of singers, dancers composers, choreographers, etc.
-used to describe music that is readily available to the broad populace.
-it is an umbrella term that encompasses a multitude of different genre of music such as RnB, Rap, Rock, Hip-hop, Dance etc.
pop music
came about when Filipino musicians wanted to create music that they can call their own. - Pinoy Rock
pinoy pop or filipino pop music
popular in the late 1980s in the PH. Originated from the African-Americans
incorporates not only rap but also includes RnB, beatboxing and electronic turntables and accompaniments.
4 dances
1.aerobic dance
3.folk dance
4.street dance
A dance routine made into an exercise program.
aerobic dance
-Is both dance and theater art.
-It is a style and dance technique that follows strict set and performance.
-Originated from the European spectacles
-Different dances performed by various cultural groups throughout the country.
-It changes from region to region and is performed by nonprofessional dancers who are members of the said community.
-It is often performed during rituals, festivals, fiestas, and other community celebrations.
folk dance
-A term used to describe vernacular dances or dances that developed originally within a community.
-A dance form that began in urban spaces such as parks, streets, yards and night clubs, rather than in formal dance studios
street dance
10 types of theater
2.stage show
3.brechtian theater
4.children’s theater
6.dramatic monologue
8.political theater
9.musical theater
A genre of modern play that deliberately exaggerates the events and situations to emphasize the point.
what is the meaning of PETA
Philippine Educational Theater Association
-is a theatrical presentation of various acts and performances.
-These performances may be a production of the following:comedy skits, circus acts, musical and dance numbers, acrobatics, magic shows and the like.
stage show or bodabil
-Are plays that are either performed by children or by adults for children
-Primary audience are children
-Intended to educate, inspire, and encourage creativity and value formation.
-Based on folktales and legends
children’s theater
-nonmusical play that is intended to elicit tears and emotional attachment to the characters.
-The main characters of these ____ are often victims of tragedies who suffer cruelty from the people around them but in the end will rise triumphantly.
-These ___ are regularly seen on television.
Is a type of play wherein an individual actor speaks and acts out the character’s thoughts and emotions.
dramatic monologue
-developed by the UP in the 1970’s
-It is minimalist in attack wherein a poem is dramatized by a narrator who recites the piece while two or three actors provide the movement and the sound effects.
tula-dula or poem-play
A form of theater whose intention is to transform or improve the current system of the government.
political theater
-often use symbolism and allegory to deliver their antigovernment sentiments.
-Sometimes called as symbolic dramas.
seditious play
-another form of political theater. Its earliest forms were the ethnic and cultural rituals that were acted on the streets.
street theater
-are plays wherein music is an essential part of the production.
-Includes traditional Filipino theater such as sarswela and ritualistic dramas
musical thater
-Is a type of drama that provides an accurate depiction of real-life situations.
-This type of modern theater first came to the PH after WWII
2 types of realism theater
1.psychological realism realism
pertains to plays that focus on the individual character’s problem and situations.
psychological realism
plays that set the individual dilemmas within a large scheme of society.
social realism