It is everywhere and it is so integrated in man’s life.
It is made out of the human crave to transform abstract ideas into physical form.
It expresses the author’s imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
From traditional it has evolved into what we now call contemporary art.
Contemporary is derived from the Latin prefix ___ and ______.
Con and Tempus
It means “together” or “with”
It means “time”
It is the art of today, produced by artists who are living in our time.
Contemporary art
Two Main Applications of Contemporary Art
- Chronological view
- Historical usage
Art related to current period in art history.
Chronological view
True or False
Contemporary art is constantly changing.
defines contemporary art as art related to this current period in art history, and refers to art that is new, recent, modern, or pertains to the present moment.
Chronological view
regards contemporary art as a specific episode or stage in the story of evolution of art, referring to a specific location in space and time.
Historical Usage
this is adhered to by most museums when defining their collection of contemporary artworks.
Art produced after 1945
this is the one most commonly used by art critics due to the emergence at this time of a new generation of artists whe were overturning the Modernist practice.
Art produce since the 1960s
is taken as a reference point of the change-over from Modern to contemporary, although it can be said that the decades include both tendencies.
The 1960s
is a legacy of modernism.
Contemporary art
When is modernism born
20th Century
is a radical break from tradition.
refers to art theory and practice, predominantly in Western Europe and North America, from 1860s to the late 1960s - the period is characterized by significant social, cultural, technological, and political developments in the western world.
Modern art
When did contemporary art evolve in the Philippines?
this period was an era of repression and censorship of artistic expressions.
Martial law during the early
Who exercised control over the print media, radio, television, schools and the art through various presidential decrees, and established a network of cultural and art institutions governed by his wife.