Containers and Kubernetes Flashcards
Your company wants to deploy an Azure Kubernetes cluster. Azure AD users need to authenticate to the cluster using Azure AD creds. 3 Steps:
- Create a server application: to provide Azure AD authentication for an AKS cluster, two applications are created. The first is a server component that provices user authentication.
- Create the client application: this client application uses the server application for the actual authentication of the credentials provided by the client
- Deploy the AKS cluster
- Create an RBAC binding - before you use an Azure AD account with an AKS cluster, you must create role-binding or cluster role-binding. Bindings apply them to desired users. These assignments can be applied to a given namespace, or acros the entire cluster
Kubernetes RBAC
Allows for grandular filtering of user actions within an AKS cluster
grant permissions defined in a role to Azure AD users to perform actions within the cluster
Cluster-Role Bindings
grant that acces cluster wide
Ways to ensure the use of trusted container images
Azure Container Registry and Docker Trusted Registry
Azure Container Registry Roles
ArcPush: can push an image and Pull (Contributor role can also Push images!)
ArcPull: can pull an image only
ArcSign is the only one that can sign an image
Reader: Can only do ARM things
When integrated with Azure AD authentication, AKS clusters utilize OpenID Connect
Azure AD integrated allows for secure access control to Kubernetes resources in AKS cluster by using user identities or directory group memberships
Ingress controller
a pieve of software that provides reverse proxy, configurable traffic routing, and TLS termination for Kubernetes service
Container Network Interface plug-in
-This is to connect Docker containers to the host-VMs VNet. the plug in supports both Linux and Windows.
-The plug in assigns IP addresses from a VNet to containers brought up in the VM, attaching them to the VNet, and connecting them directly to other containers and VNet resources
Container Groups
a collection of containers that get scheduled on the same host machine. The containers in the container group share a lifecycle, resources, local network, and storage volumes. It is a similar concept to a pod in Kubernetes.