Contact Flashcards
Min Runway Width
75 ft
Min Runway Length
4000 ft
Min Rwy Width (with commander approval)
50 ft
Min Rwy Length (with commander approval)
3000 ft
Taxi separation staggered:
In Trail:
150 ft
75 ft
Cannot begin takeoff until preceding aircraft is ___ ft in front (or ____)
3000 ft
You may not perch when:
Aircraft on straight-in has reported 2 miles and is out of sight, or in sight, and you cannot maintain spacing
Min landing spacing behind full stop aircraft on same side of runway, or dissimilar aircraft
6000 ft
Min landing spacing behind full stop aircraft of similar type, or on opposite side of the runway
3000 ft
Restricted low approach directed by controller, maintain ____ feet AGL
500 ft
IFR Flight plan, flying aerobatics, extended trail, stalls, etc. Visibility/cloud clearaces are:
3 miles visibility, clear of clouds
Spins (OCF recoveries) must be complete by ____ ft
10,000 ft
Minimum slip altitude for training
300 ft
Dual only maneuvers:
Stalls Stability Demo Nose high recoveries Nose low recoveries Inverted Recoveries Uncontrolled Airfield Operations OCF recoveries ELPs No Flap Patterns/Landings Straight-ins Slow flight Rolling Takeoffs Low closed patterns Low level navigation
Taxi speeds: ENJJPT ramp____. Taxiways____. Between Tails_____
15 knots
25 knots
10 knots