Contact Flashcards
What is the idle torque % allowed on the ground?
Nearest suitable airfield = land _____
Land as soon as possible
No wind visual spacing?
0.7 nm
ORM 3-2-1
On profile, Runway in sight, Maneuver to land. 300’ = decision altitude, 200’ = gear down, 100’ = runway center line
Altitude lost per rotation in a spin?
400-500 feet
Objective of a loop
360 degree turn in the vertical with constant nose track and heading
Generator limits (amps and volts)
Amps: -2 to +50 amps (in flight). Volts: 28.0-28.5
Propeller diameter?
97 inches
Both red and amber OIL PX annunciators illuminate when
oil pressure between 15-40 psi for 5 seconds
What is on the hot battery bus?
FOCBEER FDR maint OBOGS Clock Battery switch ELT Emergency flaps Ram air
Gear down, flaps up, prop feathered glide ratio and altitude loss
1.5:1 ratio, 1500 feet/minute
Propeller comes out of feather how long after pulling the prop sys circuit breaker?
15-20 seconds
2 G pull up 20 degrees nose high
Turbulent Airspeeds
180 KIAS (optimal) 195 KIAS (max)
Minimum starting voltage
23.5 V
Near steady state spin airspeed
120-135 KIAS indicated
When solo, after landing taxi clear of runway, then…
STOP and put your pin back in
Dual only maneuvers (never while solo)
Stalls, stability demos, nose hi/lo/inverted recoveries, uncontrolled airfield ops, OCF recoveries, ELPs or any other simulated engine out maneuvers, flaps up patterns/landings, straight-ins, slow flight, rolling takeoffs, low-closed patterns, low level navigation (advanced aerobatics are allowed)
Radar dropoff altitudes
2000-2700 ft MSL
RSU Directs you to “standby”…you should:
fly runway heading, turn crosswind 1nm after departure end
Pattern priorities
Emergencies Low Closed Min fuel Formation Radar Entries Established in pattern Re-entry from breakout/abandon approach VFR entry
Practice OCF restrictions
Current OCF IP on board
Min 7000’ airspace below entry altitude clear of clouds
When over clouds, complete 3000’ above
Tire minimums for local sorties
no cords on nose wheel
no reds on main wheels
Auto Fuel Balancing
Keeps tanks within 20 lbs
>20 lbs difference for 30 seconds…transfer valve closes the motive flow line to the light tank to try to balance
>30 lbs for 2 minutes…the FUEL BAL annunciator comes on and the auto balance system will shut off (will not automatically shut off, must be reset)
(T/F) Calling “final clear” is procedure on the lineup check
False, it’s technique
Fuel Probes and their levels
Outer: 445+-50 lbs
Middle: 308+-50 lbs
Inner: 20 lbs
FUEL LO = optical sensors, 110 lbs in the wing
Aileron roll entry airspeed
180-220 KIAS
RSU says “fly runway heading”, you…
acknowledge with callsign, fly runway heading
Who has priority? Established final turn or straight in?
Final turn. Straight in must offset go around (not abandon approach)