Consumption And Saving Flashcards
National level of desired consumption
Is the aggregate quantity of goods and services that households optimally choose to consume, given income and other factors
Desire national saving is the…
Level of aggregate saving when consumption is optimal
Desire national saving=
Y - C - G
Income minus consumption - gov spending
Budget constraint for current period
Future assets= income - consumption + assets
Budget constraint in future period =
Future consumption = future income
+ (1+real interest rate)*futture asset
Cf= yf + (1+r)*af
Saving =
Income - consumption
When saving what occurs…
Saving>0 as income>consumption and
future asset >0
When dissaving
Consumption is greater than income
Saving <0
The individual is a borrower if
Future asset < 0
Individual is a lender if
future assets > 0
When future assets > 0 then a person is a lender
What can saving be
Is someone is a borrower then what is saving
What is the trade off
Between current consumption and future consumption
What determines the price of current and future consumption
Real interest rate
Consolidated budget constraint
Combined the two period budget constraints
c + cf/1+r = y + a +yf/1+r
What is the left hand side and the right side mean of the consolidated budget constraint
LHS = present value of lifetime consumption
RHS = present value of lifetime resources
Inter temporal budget constraint properties
Cf = vertical axis
C = horizontal axis
Slope = -(1+r
What happens to graph when interest rate is higher
Steeper budget constraint
Household optimisation problem
Max U= u(c) + Bu(cf)
What is B in the optimisation problem
Captures the extent to which consumers are patient -
If consumer is very impatient- she places less weight on future utility thus B is lower
What is it when B = 1
Consumer treats utility received today and in future equally
What is the optimality condition
u’(c) = B(1+r)u’(cf)
What does optimality condition mean
Individual is indifferent between consuming one more item today or saving it and consuming it in the future
When u’(c) > B(1+r)u’(cf)
Marginal utility of consumption today is higher than utility gained from consuming in the future
Thus consumer should increase current consumption
Is there is a low B what is consumption growth like
Growth is lower