Consumer Protection Flashcards


A consumer could need protection for many reasons


Safety: In the search for cost saving measures, businesses may be tempted to provide goods which are of an unsafe standard. As consumers do not wish to be harmed by dangerous goods, it is necessary for consumer protection legislation to be put in place. Failure to do so may result in severe consequences for consumers.
Globalisation: Many goods (electronic products, toys, etc.) come into the UK from abroad, from countries whose standards of safety may be lower than the UK requirements.
Internet: Purchasing goods over the internet is still largely unregulated; therefore, consumers need protection from fraud, fake goods and non-delivery of goods.
Fake goods: Many fake goods are sold on the streets all over the UK. For example, fake designer label clothing and accessories, and fake electrical goods such as mobile phone chargers. These goods will not have been tested for safety and could cause harm to a customer.
Scientific advances: Research and development into goods such as pharmaceuticals and electronics mean that proper regulatory testing needs to be carried out on these before they are sold to consumers.
Increase in technology: Changing technology and the complexity of some goods means consumers are often ignorant of what they are buying.
Fitness for purpose
Misleading customers

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