Consumer attitude formation and change Flashcards
How are attitudes learned?
Direct experience, word-of-mouth, exposure to mass-media and other sources.
Attitudes are relativly consistent but are affected by situations, events and circumstances. Personality influence attitudes
Describe the tri-component model.
Attitudes consists of:
Cognitive - represents knowledge and preception of the features of an object
Affective: reflects emotions and feelings, which are considered evaluations, because they capture the person´s global assessment of an object.
Conative: The likelihood that an indivdual will undertake a specific action or behave in a particular way
Describe the structure of the multi-attribute models and their use in altering consumer attitudes.
Portrays attitudes as functions of their assessment of the object´s prominent features.
Attitude-toward object model:
Attitude toward behaviour model:
The theory of reasoned action
Theory of trying-to-consume’Attitude toward ad model
Can be used when addind product attributes, changing consumer perception of attributes and developing new products.
What is an attitude?
A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable way toward a given object.
In CB object can be: product, brand, service, price, package, advertisment, promortion medium, retailer selling the product etc.
Describe the role of cognitve elaboration in altering attitudes
Two routes of persusion.
- Extensive thought and cogntive processing, typically employed in situation where consumers are highly involved and perceive a lot of risk
- Littel thought and information processing, typically occurs with less important purchases
Describe how attitudes can precede behaviour in the for of cogntive dissonance and the resolution of conflicting attitudes
Post purchase conflict are common in important purchase decisions since it requires compromise and choices among similar alernatives.
Marketers must ensure that customers resolve cogntive conflicts by changing their customer´s attitudes to confrom to their behaviour.
How do people assign causality to events? Apply to CB.
People assign causality to events, their own behaviours or other´s. The way people see themselves is refelceted in the causalities they form about prior behaviour and the attitudes they develop thereafter.