Consumer Flashcards
Why do we need self control?
- Self Control failure
- Obesity
- Drug Abuse
- Gambling Violent Crimes
Self-control success = Adaptive behaviour?
- Success
- Physical Health
- Cohesive Relationships
- Mental Health
Define Self Control, define goals
Defined as the ability to alter ones thoughts, emotions ad behaviours or override impulses as habits.
Meets long term expectations.
Goals can be imposed by society or by oneself and include laws, ideas and standards
Why do we need self-control?
- To solve motivational conflict
- To prevent impulses that can be costly
- Nature vs Culture (Social Acceptance)
Provide an example of self-control and goal conflicts?
Dieters have conflict between two incompatible goals:
1. Eating enjoyment
2. Weight Control
The success of self-control in this case is dependent on whether the motivation to get healthier outweighs the urge.
What circumstances cause self-control abilities to not function?
- When used repeatedly
- Personal priorities (not regarding it as important)
- The body and the brain seek to conserve as per our goals and motivations
Ingredients of Self-Control?
Standards: that include goals, ideals, norms and other guidelines that specify a response
Monitoring: Keeping track of the behaviour
Will Power: Self-regulatory strength (resist temptation)
Motivation: To achieve the desired goal
What is the strength model?
Is a resource that can be depleted after intense use
But if use frequently an be strengthened overtime
Explain Ego Depletion?
Despite efforts of self-control one cannot implement further control methods which can lead to or be affected by ego depletion (exhausted all options of restraint)
What is the Dual Task Paradigm? (PSA)
Resources are used in performance of countless tasks which can lead to or be affected by ego depletion.
Examples of improving self-control?
Short-term - Planning - Action orientation Long-term - Change of lifestyle
Explain Consumer Ability?
Suggests that motivation doesn’t always meet action.
Factors that influence consumers ability
- Financial, age, physical, cogitative, emotions, social, cultural or education.
Explain scarcity of financial resources?
Refers to financial deprivation which is a psychological state where consumers feel “worse off.
Comparison standards increase because they perceive a deficit in their financial resources.
Compare more products based on price.
Causes of Financial Deprivation?
Scarce Goods
Explain cognitive resources?
Experts process product information more deeply, while everyday people are more influenced by external factors.
Example: Consumers respond better to promotional products - more easily persuaded.
Factors that influence whether motivation can cause action?
- Amount of Information
- Lack of time
- Distraction
Ad Exposure Duration (3 types)
Up front Ad - Lead up, build anticipation
Mystery Ad - Clever (Brain teaser projects) and boosts engagement and intrigue
False Front Ad - Not what they seem initially. Hide behind another category
Explain Shelf Placement?
Scarcity of products on the shelf prompts thoughts of popularity for consumers
Affects consumer choices and preferences
What is Attention?
Can be limited, selective and divisible and or focal or non-focal
Attention is weakened by habits
What is Selective Attention?
The act of selectively attending to neglect an alternative influence.
What are the characteristics of a stimulus?
- Personal Relevance (Nuvaring)
- Pleasantness (Chocolate)
- Elements of Surprise (New product w old brand)
- Easy to Process (Drive thru Maccas chips)
What are the 5 elements of Perception?
SENSORY Vision Sound Touch Taste Smell
What is vision Appearance?
Suggests that poor packaging has a detrimental effect on consumer product evaluations and intentions. EXAMPLE: (Health and Safety, contamination)
Properties of Hearing?
- Sonic Identity (Microsoft windows sound)
- Sound symbolism to represent a product
Properties of Taste?
- Depends on cultural differences as it influence’s taste perceptions