Constructs/Algorithms Flashcards
Code an insertion sort
For i = 1 to length(list)
Value = list(i) Index = i Do while Index > 0 If Value < list(Index - 1) Then list(Index) = list(Index - 1) Index = Index - 1 Else Exit do End if Loop list(Index) = value
Next i
For i = 0 to length(list)
lstdisplay.additem list(i)
Next i
Describe an insertion sort
This is when the first value is labelled the sorted side and the second the unsorted and the unsorted is either switched or remains once this is determined the value is now sorted and then next unsorted goes through the same process till the whole list is sorted. Much more efficient on longer lists than bubble
Description of 2-D arrays
They are made from a grid/table of data, made from rows and columns, of the same data type and can be accessed uniquely using the array name and two indexes. They are traversed using nested if statements.
How to initialise a 2-D array
For row = 0 to 5
For column = 0 to 5 data(row, column) = Inputbox(”Please input data”) Next column
Next row
How to display a 2-D array
For row = 0 to 5
For column = 0 to 5 PicDisplay.Print Tab(column * 10); data(row,column); Next column
Next row
Describe a single/double linked list
Linked list contain nodes that hold data, their own address and a pointer to the next node address. The first one is the head and the last node points to null. Double linked lists have the address of the previous node stored too making it easier to insert/delete nodes.
Describe binary search
A binary search algorithm searches by halving the list till the target is found therefore the list must be sorted first. When working with parallel arrays they all must be kept together.
The code begins with a start and end point this helps calculate the middle of the list.
Code a binary search
low = 0
high = length(list) - 1
found = false
mid = (low + high) If target = list(mid) Then fposition = mid found = true End if If mid > target Then low = mid + 1 End if If mid < target Then high = mid - 1 End if
Loop until found = true Or low>=high
Describe a bubble sort
This is when the first two values are compared and switched if necessary and this is then repeated all the way down the list till the one value is sorted this is then continued with all the other values.
Code a bubble sort
n = length(list)
swapped = true
While swapped = true and n>=0 Then
swapped = false For i = 0 to n-2 If list(i) > list(i+1) Then temp = list(i) list(i) = list(i+1) list(i+1) = temp swapped = true End if Next i n = n-1
End while
How to add/delete a node from a single/double linked list
To insert a node in a linked list first the new node must be made to contain the data and must be given a random unique address this will become the pointer for the previous node and the new nodes pointer will be the next nodes address.
This is the same for a double linked list however the new node will need to know the previous nodes address too.