Construction Terms Flashcards
Bearing wall
wall that supports the main load of floors and ceilings; less likely to have doors and windows.
Must be taken into consideration when remodeling.
Bench mark
aka monument.
Used by surveyor. Location indicated on a durable marker.
Board foot
unit of measurement for lumber. Each board foot would contain 144 cubic inches.
small wood or metal pieces used to brace floor joists.
British Thermal Unit (BTU)
measurement of energy to push heat and/or air.
compacting added soil used to level a building site.
thin metal pipe thru which wiring is strung. Used by electrician.
Energy Efficient Rating (EER)
higher the rating, the more efficiently the energy is being utilized.
Elevated foundation
minimum crawl space under the floor is required of at least 18 in. w/ an opening of at least 24 in.
Elevation sheet
blueprint page showing the outside heights and measurements of the buildings.
sheet metal or other material used to protect a building’s roof from seepage of water.
Floor plan vs. foundation plan
Floor plan = blueprint which diagrams the dimensions of the rooms.
Foundation plan = blueprint showing the components of the foundation.
concrete base (contains reinforcement rod) on which foundation wall sits.
Gable roof vs. hip roof vs. pyramid roof
Gable roof = 2-sided roof.
Hip roof = 4-sided roof with no point.
Pyramid roof = 4-sided roof coming to a point. Lacks ridge board.
Gypsum board
drywall, as opposed to plaster which is applied wet.
aka wallboard, plasterboard, or sheetrock.
one of a series of parallel horizontal beams to which the subfloor and/or ceiling panels are nailed.
Supports the floor and ceiling loads.
Key lot
lot next to the corner. Backyards face into it, so considered the least desirable on the block.
multi-sided stand or container. Generally exam refers to the type found located in the aisles of the shopping malls where vendors utilize them for business displays and sales.
placement of the improvements of the land.
way of measuring nails.
Percolation test
a ground (soil) test for liquid/fluid absorption. Often given for septic tank use. Performed by a soils engineer.
incline, angle, or rise of the roof. Life of a roof is based on its pitch. The steeper the angle or pitch, the longer the roof’s life.
Plot plan
blueprint showing a lot in relationship to other lots, streets, and sidewalks.
relates to drinkable water. Non-potable water is non-drinkable.