Construction Accounting: % of Completion and Completed Contracts Flashcards
Percentage completion formula: what is it?
Step 1: Find gross profit of complete contract
Contract price
- estimated total cost
= Gross profit
Step 2: Complete % of completion
Total current cost
total estimated cost of contract
** (total current cost and total estimate cost changes in each year; does not remain the same)
Step 3: Gross Profit x % completion = Profit earned to date
Step 4: Find gross profit earned for current year
Profit to date (PTD) at current year
- Previous period Profit to date
= Current year to date
Percentage completion formula: how to handle the loss found in current year?
Report the loss in the current year at the entire amount.
Or example:
total contract sale price $4,000
- total est cost contract -4,200
—————————— ———
= total gross loss ($200)
Step 3) GP earned to date =
-$200 loss x 100% = $(200) loss
Step 4) ($200) loss - 600 previous period recognized profit ------------------------------- = $(800) loss
What are two accounts on balance sheet that deals construction accounting?
Construction in progress
Progress billings
Progress billings can become Current liability account when _____ ?
Progress billings is > costs or construction in progress
Current asset accounts is recognized when?
Costs or construction-in-progress is > Progress billings
If there’s a change in method in construction method, then it’s a change in accounting _____ And this required to be reported _______
change in accounting principle
Required reported retrospectively
When costs / construction in progress is > Progress billings then Progress billings is a ___ account that reduces the current asset account.
Progress billings is contra-account when Construction in progress is > Progress billings