Constitutional Law Flashcards
What is a public forum?
Public property that historically has been open to speech-related activity. Examples include streets, sidewalks, public parks, and the internet
What is a designated public forum?
Public property that usually is not used for speech-related activity, but that the government has opened for such activity at particular times (e.g., a public school gym that can be reserved by the public for use when not being used by the school).
What is a limited public forum?
Public property that usually is not used for speech-related activity, but that the government has opened up for such activity for a particular purpose (e.g., a school gym that has been opened up to host a political debate).
What is a nonpublic forum?
Public property not open for speech-related activity. A county office building would be an example of a nonpublic forum except to the extent that it is specifically opened to the public for speech-related activities.
How does a governmental regulation of CONDUCT (time, place, manner restriction) associated with speech in a PUBLIC OR DESIGNATED PUBLIC forum avoid strict scrutiny and be upheld?
To avoid strict scrutiny and be upheld, a regulation must be content neutral and narrowly tailored to serve an important government interest, and it must leave open alternative methods of communication. Keep in mind, however, that even if these requirements are met, the regulation may be invalidated for other reasons, such as for being vague or overbroad
To be valid, a time, place, and manner regulation of a limited public forum or nonpublic forum must be
viewpoint neutral and rationally related to a legitimate government purpose.
What is the test for content regulation any forum?
Strict scrutiny
Curriculum-based public high school activities are
not public forums
The First Amendment Free Exercise Clause
prohibits government from punishing conduct just because it is religious but does not prohibit regulation of general conduct
For example, a law may not prohibit ritual slaughter of chickens while otherwise allowing the slaughter of chickens.
What is the test for the validity of government action under the Establishment Clause when no sect preference is involved?
The three-part Lemon test, applied in cases in which there is no preference for one religious group over another, is that:
- The action has a secular purpose,
- The action has a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion, and
- The action does not produce excessive government entanglement with religion.
The Establishment Clause- of the 1st and 14th amendments
prohibits the government from taking action respecting the establishment of religion/ promoting religion
If government action is challenged under the Due Process or Equal Protection Clause, and no fundamental right or suspect or quasi-suspect classification is involved, the law will be upheld unless
it is arbitrary or irrational. A rational basis standard applies.
The law is valid if it is rationally related to a legitimate government purpose.
Held to be Fundamental Rights
The right to interstate travel, the right to privacy (includes right to contraceptives), the right to vote, and the right of free speech and assembly
International Travel
is NOT a fundamental right
it is protected from arbitrary federal interference by the 5th amendment due process clause, rational basis applies
Strict Scrutiny test
necessary to achieve a compelling government interest
government usually loses
What is the test for abortion regulations?
the government may not impose an undue burden on a woman’s ability to obtain an abortion before viability
however, states are not required to pay for abortions or provide them at state public facilities
they may prohibit them at public facilities and may prohibit public staff from performing them
What is the rule for regulating abortion after viability?
After viability, the government may prohibit abortion unless the woman’s health is threatened
One person, one vote—Rule for congressional districts
almost exact mathematical equality between the congressional districts within a state is required
One person, one vote—Rule for state government districts
In state government districts, the variance from district to district may not be unjustifiably large. But this is a much more lenient standard than the almost exact mathematical equality standard.
a variance of even 16% has been found to be valid.
state must show that a deviation from mathematical equality is reasonable and tailored to promote a legitimate state interest
inapplicable where there is an at-large system of election (except where the system is adopted for discriminatory purposes)
A federal court waits to interpret a state court statute until the state court has done so because the statute is unclear and the constitutionality depends on the meaning.
Challenging a proposed law is?
Dismissed for want of case or controversy since it is merely proposed
Third-party standing
A plaintiff can assert a claim not only on behalf of their self but on the behalf of tours as well. This requires three things:
- P has standing (injury, causation and redressibility)
- The non-plaintiff third parties have standing but are unable to sue or unlikely to sue for some reason
- The P can adequately represent the interests of the 3rd parties
Test for Congressional Delegation of Legislative Power
When Congress gives regulatory power to the executive branch, typically to the administrative agency but sometimes directly to the President, then the test is whether the delegation includes some “intelligible principle” that guides and limits the exercise of the delegated power.
Test for Congress tax and spend power
Test= whether the discretionary spending power can be said to be rationally and reasonably (arguably) related to promoting the general welfare even if it may seem silly or wasteful to some.
Very broad power. No requirement that what is spent be related in any way to what is taxed.
Low hurdle- limited only by the other provisions of the Constitution
Basically rational basis test
Congress attaches conditions when giving money to states/ state agencies
Ok as long as the spending conditions (1) are clearly stated, (2) are reasonably related to the purpose of the spending and (3) are not unduly coercive (look for facts that suggest they have no real choice on whether to take the funds) and do not violate any other provisions of the constitution
Congress Police Powers
Congress has no general police power. They only have the police power to regulate federal lands including D.C.
Supremacy clause
Federal law is supreme over state and local laws
A state or locality may not regulate any part of the federal government or their activities
Contract clause applies to what types of law
State and local law only
Protected property rights
Rights to real and personal property and government jobs and benefits for which there is a reasonable expectation for continued receipt
Contract clause- private parties
State and local law may not substantially impair the existing contract rights between private parties unless
1. there is an important government interest and 2. the law is reasonably related to promoting that interest
Contract clause- government is a party
Heightened scrutiny - unclear how much higher than the standard for contracts between private parties- just a closer and more skeptical look
Sovereign immunity
Cannot sue the state but can still sue state actors to enforce your rights
Anti-commandeering principle
Federal government cannot commandeer state officials to administer federal laws or federal programs
Dormant commerce clause
In the absence of federal regulations on the subject, states cannot pass regulations on local aspects of interstate commerce if the regulation (1) does not discriminate against out-of-state competition to benefit local economic interests and (2) is not unduly burdensome.
State cannot adopt protectionist law that favors in-state commerce over out of state commerce unless the state is acting as a market participant or the state is acting to protect an important state interest not related to protectionism
What is the test for regulating fundamental rights?
Strict scrutiny- burden is on state to show that the law has a compelling interest and the law is narrowly tailored
Narrowly tailored
does not have to be the least restrictive means, just means that there must be a reasonable fit between the goal and the means chosen
Constitutions speech and debate clause
Federal representatives and senators enjoy immunity for any speech or debate made in the House or the Senate chambers
Public officials - defamation
must show the statement was made with actual malice- knowledge of falsehood or reckless disregard of the truth
Quasi-suspect classes
Gender (exceedingly persuasive justification for the discrimination)
Children not born inside marriage
Use intermediate scrutiny
Intermediate scrutiny test
Burden on state to show the law is substantially related to an important government objective/ interest
State and local govt rule for alienage
Strict scrutiny
Exception: state and local governments may reasonably require citizenship for positions and activities that are integral to maintaining democratic self governance which has thus far been held to include state troopers, public school teachers, jurors, and deputy probation officer.s
Federal government rule for alienage
rational basis review
Privileges or Immunities Clause of the 14th A
Limited - only applies to state and local governments and only protects individuals NOT corporations
Protects out of state citizens fundamental rights and right to earn a living
Protects interstate travel
Ports and waterways
A business license is a
Due Process Clause protected property interest and cannot be revoked without due process of law (Fair hearing)
Rational basis test
test used for discrimination based on non-suspect classes… government usually always wins because they can come up with some rational basis for their regulation
includes age, disability, and wealth classifications
Prior restraint
Highly disfavored by 1A
Preventing speech before it occurs such as by an injunction barring publication
government must show some special societal harm will result if the prior restraint is not granted
1) the standards must be narrowly drawn, reasonable, and definite
2) injunction must be promptly sought
3) there must be prompt and final determination of the validity of the restraint
government must prove the speech is not protected
ex of valid: prohibiting publishing of troop movements in times of war, enforcing contractural prepublication review of CIA agent’s writings
Prior restraint criminal
Only justified in rarest of cases - when no other way to preserve a fair trial
Content based laws
laws that suppress speech based on the message or the harms caused by the message
strict scrutiny
Content neutral laws
restrict speech on some basis other than the message or the idea
intermediate scrutiny
Commerce Clause
grants Congress the power to regulate commerce among the states, including (1) channels of interstate commerce, (2) instrumentalities of interstate commerce and persons and things in interstate commerce, (3) articles moving in interstate commerce, or (4) activities that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce.
Takings clause
prohibits the government from taking an individual’s property without paying just compensation.
when a state merely regulates property use in a manner consistent with the state’s designated powers, not compensation needs to be paid even if the owner’s use of his property or its value has been substantially diminished
what constitutes an undue burden on abortion
if the statute has the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking an abortion of a nonviable fetus
does not pose undue burden simply because it makes it more difficult or more expensive to obtain one