Constitutional Law Flashcards
Commerce clause
Fed govt regulates interstate commerce, but cannot regulate
- purely local commerce, and
- intrastate commerce
Dormant commerce clause
trigger and test
Threshold: Does the state action burden interstate commerce?Law is invalid if the burden on interstate commerce outweighs:
- legitimate
- non discriminatory
- local interest
Look to the following: (SPIL)
- How substantial is the burden
- Purpose of the law
- Important enough to justify burden
- Less-burdensome alternative
Exception to State action burden on interstate commerce
Market participant
Privilege and Immunities Clause
Threshold: state discriminates against out of state citizen in regards to a fundamental right.
1. Citizen (out of state and must be natural person)
- Fundamental right (travel, transact business, trade, etc.)
Procedural Due Process
trigger and test
- State Action
- Adverse effect on a vested liberty or property interest.
- Notice
- Opportunity to be heard
Standards of scrutiny
Strict scrutiny - narrowly tailored to a compelling government interest (fundamental rights, race, origin religion)Intermediate scrutiny - substantially related to an important government interest (gender, legitimacy)Rational basis - rationally related to a legitimate government interest (everything else)
Substantive Due Process
trigger and test
Right as a citizen - burdened or deprived life/liberty/property interest w/out due process
- Action depriving citizenry of fundamental right?
- What right is burdened?
- Strict scrutiny if fundamental right, and rational basis to other rights
Equal Protection
Trigger and test
A class of citizens is treated differently than others
1. Identify class of citizens affected a. Suspect classification
b. quasi suspect classification
c. Everything else
- Apply appropriate level of scrutiny
a. Suspect class - strict scrutiny
b. quasi suspect - intermediate scrutiny
c. Everything else - rational basis
Takings clause
Trigger and test
Private property taken or interfered w/ by govt entity
1. Was there a taking? - physical occupation or denial of all economically viable use
- Was it for a public purpose? - state must reasonably believe it will benefit the public?
- Was just compensation given?
Freedom of Speech
Content regulation is not tolerated unless falls within an exception
- Political - protected unless incitement
- Commercial - regulate false or deceptive
- Public Employee - matters of public concern are protected unless gov’t shows interest in efficiently delivering public services outweighs
- Obscenity
- Fighting words - not protected
Time place and manner restrictions
- Must be reasonable
- No greater than necessary to achieve stated purpose
- Not thinly veiled content restrictions - cannot have unfettered discretion and must have discernible standards
Prior restraint
Heavy presumption against validity. Apply strict scrutiny
Overbroad statute
Regulates protected AND unprotected speech
Vague statute
Restricts speech without an ascertainable standard.
May result in a chilling effect in that people will refrain from speech because there is no understandable standard - fear of violation results in restraint
Establishment clause
Trigger and test
Government cannot pass laws advancing/prohibiting religion and/or prefer religious over non-religious.
“Lemon” TEST:
1. Secular purpose
- Primary effect of benefit neither advances nor prohibits religion, and
- No excessive govt entanglement w/ religion
Free Exercise clause
Trigger and test
Laws of neutral applicability are acceptable unless intended to interfere w/ religion by restricting or prohibiting free exercise of religion.
1. Sincerely held religious belief
- Belief burdened by state regulation
- **State may counter if regulation is:
1. important to a state goal, and
2. Permitting an exception would be hindered by an exemption.
** Incidental burden caused by law of general application will be reviewed under rational basis scrutiny
Exceptions to Free Exercise clause (2)
- Important to state goal & hindered by granting exemption
2. Incidental burden on law of general application - rational basis scrutiny
Language for procedural due process
The state may not deprive a person of a liberty interest without first giving them notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard.
Prior restraint
Any govt action that would prevent a communication from reaching the public
**usually per se unconstitutional
Full faith and credit clause
Public acts, records and judicial proceedings have same force in every state.
Suspect classes
Race, national origin, religion
Privileges and immunities clause language
Citizens of each state shall be entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens in several states.
Ex:Travel, own property, transact business, etc.
Quasi suspect class
Gender, sex, illegitimacy
Intermediate scrutiny
- Substantially related
2. Important govt interest