Constitution Facts Flashcards
4 Founders of PhiDE
Aaron Brown, Henry Aaronson, Michael H. Barsky, Bernard H. Eliasberg,
4 Founders of PhiDE
Irving Engel, Philip Frank, Abraham L. Garbat, William H. Wallach
Advantages of PhiDE
Friendship, Fraterniship, Character, Scholarship
Guiding Principles
Philanthropy (Hasan Khashwiji, Cassie Kuroda, and Michael Nguyen), Deity (Serene Ho and Ho-An Kang), Equity (Doug Clements and Julie Wu)/Education (Manki Wong and Alison Wu)
Mission Statement
Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity creates physicians of integrity with a life dash long commitment to our guiding principles.
Date Founded
1904 at Cornell University Medical College
“Facta Non Verba, Deeds not Words”
Flying Fortresses
8 Flying Fortresses were purchased. “P.D.E Bondadier” and P.D.E Avenger”
Flying Ambulances
8 Flying Ambulances were purchased. Aaron Brown.
Success of the Cornell Chapter soon led to the organization of other chapters in New York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia. In 1913, Fraternity colonized in the Midwest starting in Chicago, IL.
Amalgamated Organization
Alpha Phi Sigma in 1908.
Founders of the UCI PhiDE
Brendan Carry, Brent DeVera, Linda Moon, and Cynthia Ortega in 2004.
When did the chapter grow most notably
Basic Ethics
What do I do?
Where do I turn to find our what I do?
Six Principles of Medical Ethics
3. autonomy
4. justice
5. dignity
6. truthfulness and honesty
Three Motivations of Philanthropy
- I have to do it
- I want to do it
- I need to do it