Constitution Flashcards
Who were the three main framers of the Constitution?
Sir Henry Parkes
Sir Samuel Griffin
Inglis Clark
How many chapters are there to the Constitution?
8 1 Parliament 2 The Executive Government 3 The judicature 4 Finance and Trade 5 The States 6 New States 7 Misc. 8 Alteration of the Constitution
What section dictates that the House of Reps will be chosen by the people?
S 24
S 61 refers to?
The Executive’s powers
How is the constitution changed?
Referendum with a double majority of the people and a majority of the states
What section outlines the powers of the judiciary?
What are the main purposes of the constitution?
Recognise the six Australian colonies and the continuation of their constitutions
Create new central government authorities and outlines their functions and powers
Regulate relations between the Federal authorities and those of the State
Establish free trade between the States
Guarantee some rights
What were three reasons for Federation?
Trade/ Free internal market
What does ultra vires mean?
If a law is made out side of the Government’s jurisdiction, it will be void from the beginning. Also, void ab inito
What right does the Adelaide Company Jehovah’s Witness case involve?
The right to freedom of religion, s116 of the constitution
What was the result of the Adelaide Company Jehovah’s Witness case?
It was held (All) that the act in question preventing wartime activities did not infringe upon s116 and the freedom of religion
What is the common law principle of legality?
which requires courts to favour an interpretation of a statute, if one be available, that is compatible with common law rights and freedoms rather than an interpretation which would override them.
What is the rule of law?
All persons and organisations including the government are subject to and accountable to the law
The law is clear, known, and enforced
The Court system is independent and resolves disputes in a fair and public manner
All persons are presumed innocent until proven otherwise by a Court
No person shall be arbitrarily arrested, imprisoned, or deprived of their property
Punishment must be determined by a Court and be proportionate to the offence
Define the Rule of Law
(1) that the people (including, one should add, the government) should be ruled by the law and obey it and
(2) that the law should be such that people will be able (and, one should add, willing) to be guided by it.”
Who said “The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia entrenches the rule of law in the thin but vital sense that there is no Commonwealth power, legislative, executive or judicial that can be exercised other than with the authority of the Constitution or laws made under it.”?
CJ Robert French AC