Constitution Flashcards
Re Cole
Gifts of chattels are constituted by intention to make a gift and delivery
Milroy v Lord
Constitution applies for outright gift and transfer on trust, but not self-declaration of trust
Equity will not perfect an imperfect gift
Jones v Lock
Something intended to be a gift that lacks constitution cannot be turned into a transfer on trust - failed to endorse cheque
Re Rose
Transferor must do everything within their power to effect the transfer - must end up in the hands of the body capable of transferring legal title to be constituted
Mascall v Mascall
Extends Re Rose to apply to land - transferor need not do everything within their power to effect the transfer, but transfer must be irrevocable (beyond control)
Pennington v Waine
Based on Choithram v Pagarani - estoppel claim
Unconscionability for donor to go back on gift - donee relied on gift
1) Clear, unequivocal assurance by donor
2) Reliance by donee to their detriment
Choithram v Pagarani
Imperfect transfer on trust of estate to charitable trusts - not constituted before he died (sympathetic judgement)
Strong v Bird
Fortuitous vesting in intended transferee - gift will be perfected if:
1) Immediate intention to make a gift
2) Continuing intention to make gift until death
3) Intended donee must be the personal representative of the donor’s estate (executor of will)
Re James
Strong v Bird extended to administrators of intestate estates but doubted obiter in Re Gonin
Re Ralli
Doesn’t matter how trustee receives legal title, as long as they receive it the trust will be constituted
Re Brooks
Trustee of unconstituted trust cannot constitute trust by receiving legal title as executor
Re Freeland
Must be intention to make an immediate gift
Re Gonin
Must have a continuing intention to make gift until death
Re Stewart
Can be on of a number of executors for legal title to fortuitously vest
Cain v Moon
Donationes mortis causa
1) Must be made in contemplation of imminent death (terminal illness/inherently dangerous activity
2) Must be conditional upon death - revocable upon recovery
3) Must be a form of actual/constructive delivery of the property through passing of dominion (control)
Birch v Treasury Solicitor
Passing of dominion must denote ownership rather than access (house keys)