Constipation + Colonoscopy Flashcards
What is constipation?
What causes constipation?
Low fiber diet
Change in eating pattern
Side effects
S / sx of constipation
Abd cramps and pain
Abd distension
Stomach bloating
Nausea and vomiting
Restless and irritable
Pass hard dry stool
Diagnose constipation
Abdominal X-Ray
o History collection (When you opened your bowel last time?)
o Colonoscopy
o Check for abdominal distension
Manage constipation
Fibre rich diet - Green leafy vegetables,
o Whole gain serials, oats
o Fruits – Prune juice, Apple, gooseberry, grapes, plums, avocado, apricot,
blackberry, cherry banana
o Intake more dry and semi dry fruits, because it contain high sorbitol
content so take 5 to 7 portions of fruits daily
o prune juice, dry plum suggest best for constipation patient
o Increase physical mobility - Increase peristaltic movement
o Daily Bowel training programs – same time toileting
Medical manage for constipation
Side effects of laxative
- Bloating
- Farting
- Stomach cramps
- Dehydration
- Dark-colored urine
Who are at risk for constipation
Pregnant women
Young adults
Sedentary lifetsyle
Side effects of Laxatives
Stomach cramps
Dark colored urine
Contraindication of laxatives
What is colonoscopy?
Indication for colonoscopy?
Pre-procedure for colonoscopy
During colonoscopy
Post colonoscopy
Side effects of colonoscopy
Fiber diet
Bulk forming laxative
Osmotic laxative
Stimulant laxative
Stool softener
What laxative should be given if patient has DM
When is the proper time to take senokot?
Night time
Triggers the bowel 6-12 hrs
Complications of constipation
Fecal impaction
Anal fissure
How fibre rich diet helps in constipation?
Fibre is a bulk forming content and it increase fluids
How fluids help in constipation?
It helps to soften the stool
Complication of consti
Haemorrhoids - Swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum andanus
o Faecal impassion - Intestinal obstructions
o Anal fissure - while staining