Constipation Flashcards
Constipation - etiology:
- prolonged immobilization
- Drugs (opioids, anticholinergic such as TCA, octerotide, antacids, 5HT3 antagonists antiemetics)
- Opioid related constipation is R mediated via both central & peripheral mechanisms. Causing extended GI transit time and dry up the intraluminal content.
- Hypomobility of the gut (in elderly/2nd to DM)
- Decreased fluid and food intake.
- Metabolic causes (hypercalcemia, hypokalemia)
- Neurological deficits (spinal cord/ nerve root lesions)
- Local (anal tissue)
- Psychological (use of bed pan/ commode / briefs)
Complications of constipations:
- abdominal bloating, pain, discomfort
- overflow diarrhoea
- fecal incontinence
- urinary retention / frequency
- ‘obstipation’ - partial / complete BO from severe constipation.
- not supported by literature: delirium in frail pts.
Constipation score
looking at the 4 quadrants of the abdomen (corresponding to the different parts of the large colon)
assess the amount of stool in each:
0 - no stool
1- less the 50% of the lumen is with stool
2 - more than 50% of the lumen has stool
3- stool completely occupy the lumen of the colon
score greater than 7 indicates significant constipation that requires treatment
Prevention of constipation:
goal is to achieve BM every at least every 3rd day.
maintain regular laxative regime with either:
- bowel stimulant (e.g Senna - 1-2 tabs PO OD, can titrate up to TID)
- osmotic laxative (e.g Lactulose 15-30 ml PO OD, can titrate up to 60 ml daily/ PEG 17 gram can go up to QID or less to q2-3 days)
lactulose can cause cramping and is very sweet. PEG is tasteless.
- for pt who cannot swallow - regular suppository (bisacodyl) or fleet enema (q3-4 days)
Management of established constipation:
usually goal would be to clear the constipation and start a regular preventive regime:
- fleet enema / bisacodyl supp followed by another dose, 12-24 hr later if first did not work. if still unsuccessful, consider an oil retention enema followed by water enema.
- in severe cases, where considerable fecal mass is suspected in the proximal bowel, consider oral magnesium citrate (150-250 ml), drunk slowly over several hours