Constellations and Stars Flashcards
Unit 1
What are the thirteen constellations of the zodiac in order
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpius Ophiuchus Sagittarius Capricornus Aquarius Pisces
What does circumpolar imply?
Visible all year round at our latitude (all stars within 45 degrees of the North Pole)
What are the Circumpolar constellations?
Ursa minor Ursa major Draco Cepheus Cassiopeia Perseus
What is a star from Ursa Minor?
What is a star from Ursa Major?
Mizar and Alcor (binary system)
What is a star in Draco
Thuban (the ancient “North star” of the Egyptians)
What is a star in Cepheus?
What is special about delta-Cephei?
It is a variable star
What shape does Cassiopeia form in the sky?
What is a star in Perseus?
Algol (a variable star)
And the “double cluster” h and X Persei
How far is the order of 200 million kilometers?
The inner planets (~1.2 AU)
How big is the solar system?
~120 AU
How many stars within 20 light years?
How big is our Galaxy?
Diameter of 100000 light-years
How many satellite galaxies does the Milky Way have?
2 of them known: called the Magellanic clouds
How big are groups of galaxies?
~5 million light-years
What is the nearest Galaxy to us?
Andromeda Galaxy (at 2.5 million light-years)
How many galaxies in our local group?
About 50
On what scale are superclusters of galaxies?
About 100 million light-years (About a hundred thousand galaxies across)
How big is the observable universe?
Diameter of 90 billion light-years
What is the name of our supercluster
Local Supercluster (or Virgo Supercluster)
How many stars can you see with your naked eyes?
About 5000
What kind of star is Arcturus?
A yellow giant
In what constellation is Arcturus found?
What is a star in Virgo?
What is a star in Leo?
What is the spring sector?
Sector 2: Bootes, Virgo, Libra, Leo
What is a astronomical object found in Hercules?
M13 (a globular cluster)
What is a star in Scorpius?
Antares (a red giant)
What astronomical object does Sagittarius have?
M8 (the Lagoon Nebula)
What are the constellations seen in the summer?
Hercules, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Scorpius
What are the constellations seen in the summer-fall?
Cygnus, Lyra, Aquilla, Delphine, Capricornus, Aquarius
What astronomical objects are in Cygnus?
Deneb, Albireo (binary system), Cgynus X-1 (black hole), and the Veil Nebula (a supernova remnant)
What astronomical objects are in Lyra?
Vega, beta-Lyrae (an eclipsing binary), M57 (the ring nebula)
What major star is in Aquilla?
What three stars form the summer triangle?
Deneb, Vega and Altair
How many sectors are there?
7 sectors
What constellations are in the fall sector?
Pegasus, Andromeda, Triangulum, Pisces, Aries, Cetus
What are some astronomical objects in Andromeda (constellation)?
The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and M32 and M110 (satellite galaxies)
What is M33
A spiral Galaxy in Triangulum
What major star is in Cetus?
Mira (a variable star)
What constellations are mostly seen during the winter?
Auriga, Taurus Gemini, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Orion
What main star does Auriga have?
What astronomical objects does Taurus have?
Aldebaran, the Hyades and Pleiades (open clusters), and M1 (the crab nebula, a supernova remnant)
What major two stars are in Gemini?
Castor and Pollox
What main star is in Canis Major?
In which constellation is Procyon located?
Canis Minor
Which constellation is Betelgeuse and Rigel located?
What constellation is in the winter-spring sector?
Where is the horse head nebula located?
What open cluster is in Cancer?