Consolidations Flashcards
20% Ownership or Less
Accounted for as a purchase
If amount paid is less than fair value; results in a gain in current period
Ownership 21% to 50%
Gives significant influence
Purchase Price - Par Value : Goodwill
Dividends received from the investee reduce the investment account and are not income
Ownership of other company is greater than 50%
Investment account is eliminated
Only parent company prepares consolidated statements; not subsidiary.
Acquired assets/liabilities are recorded at Fair Value on acquisition date.
Eliminating entries for inter-company sales of inventory & PPE; also inter-company investments
Ownership less than 50%
Majority owner does not control - i.e. bankruptcy or foreign bureaucracy
Acquirer held previous shares accounted for under Fair Value Method or Equity Method; and are now re-valued to Fair Value
Results in a Gain or Loss in current period
Acquired companies continue to exist as a legal entity - their books are just consolidated with the parent company in the parent’s financial statements
Merged companies cease to exist and only the parent remains
Expensed in period incurred - i.e. NOT capitalized:
Accounting; Legal; Valuation; Consulting; Professional
Netted against stock proceeds:
Stock registration and issuance costs