consideration Flashcards
Friedmann Equity Developments Inc V Final Note Ltd
no consideration needed for contracts under seal
Re McArdle
past consideration is not valid
Roscorla V Thomas
past consideration not valid
Smith v Morrison
past consideration not valid (brought to ireland)
Provisional BOI v O’Donnell
past consideration not valid
Lampleigh V Brathwait
past consideration valid when asked for by defendent and assumption of payment by both parties
Bradford V Roulston
past consideration valid when requested
Re Casey’s Patents
pas consideration valid when expected payment & requested
Pao On V Lau Yiu Long
past consideration valid when requested and payment expected & consideration valid when bound by 3rd party agreement
Tweddle V Atkinson
no stranger to consideration can take advantage of a contract even when made for his benefit
Price V Easton
cannot sue if your in a contract where 2 parties provided consideration but you didnt
McCoubray v Thompson
cannot sue for breach if the contract is in your benifit and you havent provided consideration
Grogan V Cooke
courts will not look into the value of consideration so long as it is tangible, it is valid, even if the deal is unfair
White V Bluett
not considereation if its intangible (love and affection)
O’Neill v Murphy
not good consideration when its intangable (thoughts and prayers)
Hamer v Sidway
considered good consideration when a party has suffered a detrement (not drinking/gambeling)
Bainbridge V Firmstone
still consideration if there is a worthless value
Thomas V Thomas
worthless tangible consideration is good consideration
Chappell V Nestle
worthless consideration = good consideration
Collins V Godefroy
not consideration when the duty is imposed by law
Glasbrook Brothers V Glamorgan County Council
exception where legally imposed duty is consideration when slightly more is done
Ward V Byham
exception where legally imposed duty is consideration when more is done
Harris v Sheffeild United Football Club
legal duty = consideration when slightly more is done
McKerring V Minister for Agriculture
legal duty = consideration when more is done