Conservatism Flashcards
What is Conservatism?
A form of change, changing to conserve. Different to reactionary politics - seeks to resist all change.
What did Oakeshott say about Conservatism?
It is a ‘doctrine of maintenance.’
What is the difference between Conservative and reactionary politics?
Conservatism doesn’t seek to turn back time, change is inevitable and essential. The way in which change happens should be managed and controlled.
What did Burke say about changing to conserve?
‘A state without the means of change… is without the means of its’ conservation.’
How was the enlightenment a part of the origins of conservatism?
An intellectual and philosophical movement in Europe, in 17th and 18th century. Featured social ideas centred on value of rational knowledge.
How has rationalism affected Conservatism?
Liberalism and socialism were the products of the belief that society and politics could be ordered in a rational way.
Which key ideas influenced Conservative thoughts, as part of religious thought?
Obedience, Divine authority, Hierarchy, Original sin.
How was Protestantism an origin of Conservatism?
Can be seen as a rational form of Christianity, strongly linked to Liberalism and Capitalism, as both were born out of enlightenment.
How did Disraeli influence Conservatism?
Developed the idea of the great classes - capitalist and commercial classes - the main wealth creators. Aristocratic classes - Who had privilege. Middle and working classes.
What is Noblesse Oblige?
The principle that responsibility comes with power.
What did Burke argue?
That the middle and working classes would govern in a self interested way, so a ruling class is natural.
What did Burke believe would happen after a French Revolution event?
Destroyance of Fealty, Kings are forced to become tyrants, as their subjects rebel. People lose a cause greater than themselves. A country won’t work towards a greater purpose if it doesn’t have fealty.
What does Burke believe is the key to holding a society together?
Fealty - A mutual respect between rulers and their subjects.
How did the great liberal revolution entrench ideas of Conservatism?
Hobbes and Burke were concerned that the pursuit of enlightenment would have consequences. Hobbes wanted to ensure that the replacement of a traditional model of government has a guarantee of public safety.
What did Burke believe about progress in Society?
That it requires a passion for improvement, and a respect for tradition and experience.
What is Original Sin?
The idea that humans are born with sin, due to the fall of Adam and Eve. There’s a built in urge to do bad things.
What is Paternalism?
The obligation that societies’ stronger and richer class have towards the less fortunate, and society as a whole.
How does Conservative Philosophy affect policy?
Traditional and stability, Nature of government for incremental change, changing to conserve.
What is the summary of Hobbes’ Leviathan?
There’s no point in working hard if there’s no security, no trust or industry. Humans are sociable, but man is its’ own worst enemy. The state needs to help people, by maintaining strong order.
What are the different Conservative views about society?
Localism, Organicism, Tradition, Hierarchy, Judeo-Christian morality, property.
Which Conservative key thinkers wrote about localism?
Burke, Oakeshott, Nozick.
What do the localism believers believe about society?
Society is a collection of localised communities.
What did Burke say about society?
That ‘little platoons’ help provide individuals with security, status and inspiration, while acting as a brake on selfish individualism, and help protect people from ‘overmighty government.’
What did Oakeshott say about localism?
It can provide members of society with ‘security, fellowship and society.’
Which key thinkers supported organicism?
Hobbes, Burke, Oakeshott.
What do conservatives say about organicism?
Society can’t be contrived, but emerged gradually and organically. Proof that life is subject to complex forces.
Which key thinkers focus on tradition?
Hobbes, Burke, Oakeshott.
What did Conservatives say about tradition?
Customs and habits are used to provide security in an uncertain world, history and tradition shape whatever changes become necessary.
What did Burke say about tradition?
‘When ancient rules of life are taken away, we have no compass.’
What is a conservative society guided by?
Practical experience, not abstract ideas.
Which conservative thinkers wrote about hierarchy?
Hobbes, Burke, Nozick.
What do conservatives say about hierarchy?
Imperfections in humanity led to inequalities with human nature, leading to an unequal society, where the wiser, stronger people establish a hierarchy of power and privilege.
What did Burke and Oakeshott argue about hierarchy?
Beneficiaries of inequality had a crucial responsibility, to the majority of society who aren’t well off.
What is Judeo Christian Morality?
A strong attachment to religion and original sin. Important role for ethical guidance of morality. Strong emphasis on marriage.
Which key thinkers argued that Christian teaching had an understanding of human nature?
Burke and Oakeshott.
What did Burke say about Judeo Christian Morality?
The age of religion gave way to a new age of reason.
Which key thinkers wrote about property?
Burke, Hobbes, Nozick.
Why is property a part of the conservative view of society?
Respect for property is tied to support for tradition and continuity, arguing that property can provide stability.
Who did Burke say the ideal partnership is between?
‘Those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are not yet born.’
What is maintenance for property also seen as?
A metaphor for belief in ongoing maintenance of society, as property owners have a stake in existing society, and should have concern for those less fortunate.
Which other conservative principle does ownership of property lead to?
Paternalism, as it can be a force for stability.
What did the New Right conservatives think of Property?
Extend property ownership throughout a society, creating a property owning democracy.
How does property lead to liberty, according to the new right?
Society is better placed to resist state led incursions upon liberty. Individual liberty is best pursued in a society that values hierarchy and traditional culture, as these provide security.
What is Organicism?
The belief that change in society should be started by people, not by government changing things.
What are the other views about Organicism?
Changes in the law or institutions should occur only when leaving things as they are would be more dangerous. Society is a living thing formed by rational beings.
Which other concepts are connected to Organicism?
One nation conservatism, paternalism, hierarchy, noblesse oblige, big society.
What does the Tamworth manifesto state about Conservatism?
Change to conserve, aimed to appeal to the electorate in the new parliament, careful review of institutions, promised the collection of proved abuses, opposed unnecessary change.
What was the quote from the Tamworth Manifesto about organic change?
‘Perpetual vortex of agitation.’
What are the examples of organic change?
Restoration of monarchy, Tamworth manifesto, Second reform act, Acceptance of nationalisation - 1951, changes in race relations.
What are the conservative ideals about the state?
Order and authority, organic origins, a ruling class, the nation state.
What do Conservatives believe about order and authority?
Sees the state as having a disciplinary function, to provide order, security and authority. State precedes society.
What did Hobbes say the principal reason for the state is?
The creation of order and security.
What do Conservatives say about organic origins?
Sceptical about states that arrive from formal rational discussion, and are likely to be based on ideas rather than reality. They prefer a state that emerged gradually and organically.
What did Oakeshott say about organic origins?
‘The state should prevent bad, not create good.’
What do Conservatives believe about a ruling class?
Traditional conservatives are more comfortable with a hierarchical state, acknowledge the notion of a ruling class. Conservatives govern to ensure order and social cohesion.
What did Burke say about a ruling class?
Ruling class is ‘inevitable and desirable.’
What do Conservatives say about the Nation state?
Emphasis on state based on nationhood. Nation and state are intertwined.
What do the New right say about the nation state?
Strengthen nation state by ‘rolling back its’ frontiers. Explained by aim to streamline nation states’ functions.
Who was Burke allied with, about the economy?
Adam Smith, who was the father of laissez faire economic theory.
What did Burke believe about Capitalism?
Free market capitalism promotes risk and innovation, which is frightening for Conservatives.
What were traditional conservatives described as, in terms of capitalism?
‘Capitalism’s reluctant supporters.’
What did Traditional Conservatives believe about the economy?
Any assault on capitalism is also an assault on property, hierarchy and status quo. They believed in a moderated form of capitalism.
What did Traditional Conservatives say about Laissez faire economics?
Sceptical of laissez faire policies, as these require an optimistic view of market forces.
What did New Right Conservatives say about the economy?
More sympathetic view of free market economics, privatisation of formerly state owned industries, disengaging the economy from state control means the state could focus on its’ true purpose of order and security.
How do New Right Conservatives believe the Economy ties in with Order and Authority?
Free market economy is prosperous, and funds greater spending on police and the armed forces.
How does Conservatives’ attitude to capitalism differ from liberalism and socialism?
They’re pro capitalist, but have concern for free market forces. A sceptical view of human nature. If wealth is created in terms of property, property owners develop a stake in society.
What does the value of state preceding society mean?
A stable, authoritative state must exist before a well functioning society can develop. Ensures order and stability.
What was Hobbes committed to?
Strong state control, supporting state intervention, property and wealth. Suspicious of laissez faire economics, but believed that wealth can strengthen a state.
Why is there a conflict between laissez faire and social stability?
State intervention can preserve industries or communities, competition can lead to innovation and efficiency.
When did this conflict end?
Under New right conservatism, when Thatcher completed privatisation, deregulation, low taxes, and a reduction in welfare.
What do Traditional and New right Conservatives agree on?
Support of private property, importance of a market economy, and a need for fiscal responsibility, as well as support for business and enterprise.
What are the three timeframes of Traditional Conservatism?
Aftermath of French revolution, Emergence of one nation conservatism, 20th century - response to egalitarianism.
What did Traditional Conservatives believe, following the French revolution?
Burke offered objection to what French Revolution represented, shaping origins and development of Conservatism.
What did Early Traditional Conservatives believe about Order and property?
Revered order and property, disliked revolutionary change, defended principle of aristocratic rule, paternalism. Change to conserve, and change should be evolutionary.
What did Hobbes say the principal purpose of government is?
To maintain peace and security.
What was One nation Conservatism a reaction to?
Reacted to emergence of socialism as a threat to stability. Believed in Paternalism, and that society still comprised of autonomous individuals.
What did Disraeli say about capitalism?
Unfettered capitalism produces dangerous levels of deprivation.
What did One nation Conservatives endorse?
State sponsored social reform, for social and political progress to be achieved without class warfare.
What was 20th Century Traditional Conservatism a response to?
The threat posed by the USSR, which challenged the Conservative belief in property, hierarchy and modest reform. There was fear created by the growth of the labour party. Sought to temper the effects of a capitalist economy with the view of sustaining society.
What did a Middle way between Capitalism and Socialism address?
Economic inequality, while respecting property rights, cultural tradition, and national identity.
What happened to Traditional Conservatism after 1945?
Further acceptance of big government, embraced Keynesian economics. Welfare states and mixed economy. Pragmatism, as it needed to win elections.
What did Christian Democracy develop as a response to?
Fascism and Nationalism. Both believe in morality as a force to bind authority together. Belief in authority and hierarchy. Emphasis on marriage and family life.
How is Conservatism compatible with Capitalism?
Private property, Hierarchy and inequality are natural and organic. Dominant and belief in tradition, New right - protection of liberty, self fulfilment.
How is Conservatism not compatible with Capitalism?
Creates tension and inequality - threatens One nation. Dynamic and volatile - threatens stability. Competitive individualism at the expense of communities valued by tradition.
What is the New right a blend of?
Neoconservatism (Social Policy) + Neoliberalism (Economic Policy).
How did the New Right embrace Neo-Liberalism?
Extend individual freedom by rolling back frontiers of the state, reduce taxes, more control of government spending, end to ‘dependency culture.’ Deregulation and Privatisation.
How did the New Right embrace Neo-Conservatism?
Restoration of authority, tougher approach to law and order, robust approach to national defence, less tolerant approach to immigration.
What did New Right conservatives believe about Traditional conservatives?
They were complicit in a declining economy, and society lacking in moral and formal authority, so a new interpretation of Conservatism was required.
What are some examples of New Right policy?
Section 28 - Couldn’t mention homosexuality. Privatisation and Deregulation, ending Birthright citizenship, Falklands war, war on drugs, reducing trade union power.
How is the New Right contradictory?
Roll back state - greater state control over unions. Advance individual liberty - restriction of liberty through greater police powers. NeoLib - Relaxed about immigration. NeoCon - Concerned about immigration.
How do Neoconservatism and Neoliberalism complement each opther?
Neoliberals don’t anticipate tensions from free market economy - Neoconservatives would maintain authoritarian state to keep order. Neoconservatives want to strengthen the state by reinforcing the police and armed forces.
How do Conservatives believe property ownership creates investment?
People investing in property means they also invest in their local area, as they become more concerned about their image and status of their own area. It incentivises hard work - people have a stake in their own lives.
What did Nozick believe about Taxation?
Taxation is theft.
What are the first two steps of Nozick’s tale of the slave?
1 - A slave completely at the mercy of his master’s whims, often beaten, called out in the night. 2 - Master becomes kinder, only beats slave when they break rules, such as not fulfilling work quota.
What are the third and fourth steps of Nozick’s tale of the slave?
3 - Master has a group of slaves, decided how things are allocated on grounds of need and merit. 4 - Master allows slaves four days on their own, work only three days a week.
What is the fifth step of Nozick’s tale of the slave?
Master allows his slaves to work anywhere they want for wages, requires that they send him 3/5 of their wages, and retains the power to recall them.
What is the sixth step of Nozick’s tale of the slave?
Master allows all slaves to vote, and they have the power to determine what uses their earnings have.
What are the seventh and eighth steps of Nozick’s tale of the slave?
7 - Slaves can now speak/discuss with the 10,000 to persuade them to adopt certain policies. 8 - 10,000 allow you to vote, if deadlocked.
What is the final step of Nozick’s tale of the slave?
They put your vote with theirs. If they’re tied, your vote makes the difference. Otherwise, it makes no difference.