Conservatism Flashcards
Who are the 5 key thinkers
-Thomas Hobbes
-Edmund Burke
-Michael oakeshott
-Ayn rand
-Robert nozick
4 key views
Human nature
The state
Thomas Hobbes famous quotes
‘Life in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short’
‘Promises without sword are just words’
Edmund Burke famous quotes
‘The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing’
‘Society is a contract between the dead, the living, and those yet to be born’
Michael oakeshott key quotes
‘The conjunction of ruling and dreaming generates tyranny’
‘Conservatism is a conversation not an argument’
Ayn Rand famous quotes
‘The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be the defenders of minorities’
‘Money is the barometer of a society’s virtues’
Robert nozicks famous quotes
‘No state more extensive than the minimum state can ever be justified’
‘Taxation of earnings from labour is on par with forced labour’
‘Any attempts at wealth redistribution is socially legitimised theft’
Thomas Hobbes
If left to their own devices human beings would naturally commit atrocities on each other
You must have a strong, brutal state and government able to manage flawed human beings
The state is justified in using coercion, force and violence to control us
Edmund Burke
Supported American colonists in the American revolution against the British crown
Horrified by French Revolution specifically rejection of monarchy
Michael oakeshott
Importance of tradition as a unifying force
Anti ideological
Believed in rationalism
Compared the state to a ship at sea - most important is to keep ship afloat not arrive at destination
Ayn Rand
Opposed to most aspects of state/govt
Promotes selfishness as a worthwhile value - said it made rational and ethical sense
Believed in complete right of individual over the state
True value of any society was how much wealth it produced
Robert nozick
Believed in small state govt
The only role of state should be to protect us from internal/external harm/threat
Compared taxation to forced labour
Compared wealth redistribution to theft
4 key values - Thomas Hobbes
Human nature: humans are driven by desire for power and without order life would be short and unpleasant
State: the state is necessary to impose order and prevent chaos
Society: the need for a strong, centralised authority to maintain peace
4 key values - Edmund Burke
Human nature: humans are imperfect and need to recognise their limitations
State: the state is a partnership between past present and future generations-traditions and institutions should be preserved
Society: a ‘natural aristocracy’ should guide society emphasising the importance of family and local community ‘little platoons’
Economy: advocates for stability and caution against radical change
4 key values - Michael oakeshott
Human nature: conservatism is a conversation about human limitations not ideological struggle
State: the state should be a tool for ongoing dialogue and adaptation
Society: conservatism is kore about maintaining practical order than ideological welfare
4 key values - Robert nozick
Human nature: emphasises individual rights and freedom
State: the states role should be minimal, limited to protection of individual rights
Society: people should have the freedom to pursue their own interests without state interference
Economy: a free market economy is preferable with minimal govt interference