Conservatism Flashcards
Paragraph 1 Human Nature Essay - United
-Psychological Imperfection (Burke)
-humans are innately security seeking, dependent creatures who fear the unknown and difference
-change is a voyage into the unknown
-Edmund Burke’s ‘Reflections on the Revolution in France’ criticises french revolution, we’re imperfect and imperfectible so shouldn’t disrupt this
-society is a “partnership between the dead, the living, and the yet to be born”
-we should retain tradition to create stability eg HoL and Monarchy
-only ‘change to conserve’ the status quo.
Paragraph 1 Human Nature Essay - Not United
-Neolib new right prefers liberal rationalism and self reliance (Rand) of human beings -> anti-welfare but One Nation noblesse oblige
-liberal rationalism - humans are rational creatures, so are free to choose our own path regardless of social ‘norm’, follows utilitarianism “the greatest happiness for the greatest number”
-consider the “morality of rational self-interest”-Rand, we have a duty to be selfish and put our own interests first.
-Anti-welfare as it gets in the way of the prime purpose of the ‘individual pursuit of happiness’
-New Right - Disraeli Crystal Palace speech of noblesse oblige, in the interest of social elite to provide a safety net for unemployed and adopt stance of paternalism to less fortunate
-inherent disagreement - help people help themselves or enhance the condition of the people
Paragraph 2 Human Nature Essay - United
-Moral Imperfection (Hobbes)
-innately selfish, our natural instincts drive human actions
-linked to doctrine of Original Sin
-Leviathan, the state of nature is “an unending civil war of all against all”-Hobbes
-part of the state’s role is to deter humans from actualising this nature and upholding order.
-Authority is therefore needed as discipline and leadership is necessary.
-Can come socially (teacher and student) or by the state (analogous to a parent)
-Divisions: authority should be exercised within limits. Parents can guide and punish but should not abuse a child.
Paragraph 2 Human Nature Essay - Divided
-Neo Liberals want to roll back the state
-Nozick says a minimal state “treats us with respect by respecting our rights”.
-Place greater emphasis on individual liberty as a fundamental right - “life, liberty, and property” (Locke).
-The state is the potential slave master and so must be limited to grant people the greatest possible freedom, the government should not “make people good or even better” (Oakeshott)
-Traditional Conservatives believe in a Paternalistic state - acts in a fatherly fashion to confer benefit or prevent harm - social welfare.