Conservatism Flashcards


what are the 2 paradoxes related to conservatism


1st paradox: Conservatism is a form of change, in other words it is not just about conserving and avoiding change at all costs, instead it is a case of ‘changing to conserve’.

change is inevitable, but what matters is that change occurs in an appropriate manner drawing upon all the good that has gone before

changing to conserve: The idea that society should adapt to changing circumstances by introducing moderate reforms, rather than rejecting change outright and risk rebellion

2nd Paradox: Conservatism is not necessarily synonymous with the ideas of the conservative party.

  • Like many other centre-right parties, the conservative party does not just uphold the principles of conservatism, it also reflects many liberal principles such as support for free market economics and the legalisation of gay marriage.
    ( ideologically eclectic)
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what is the conservative view on human imperfection?

  • Conservatives have a pessimistic view of human nature, arguing that people are flawed and incapable of reaching a state of perfection
  • It also asserts that human nature is immutable (unable to be changed) & has a capacity for evil.

Following this conservatives stress that:

  • A tough stance on law and order is required, to deter criminal behaviour
  • As human nature cannot be transformed, foreign policy should be based on national security ( e.g brexit), rather than ‘liberal’ notions of international co-operation and harmony
  • Human behaviour is competitive, so any successful political system will recognise that self-interest is a more powerful motivator than altruism

Humans are flawed in 3 ways:

Psychological: Humans are limited and dependant, craving safety, familiarity and the security of knowing their place in society.

  • Such a view places a premium on social order rather than liberty because order provides humans with much needed security, predictability and stability

Moral: Humans are morally imperfect because they are naturally selfish and greedy.

  • Anti-social or criminal behaviour is due to basic human nature and cannot be attributed to economic or social disadvanatge

Intellectual: Intellect and reasoning of humans are limited, they dont possess the mental faculties to make sense of a complex world

  • Conservatives reject overreaching theories/ ideologies that claim to explain or predict the development of human society

e.g Marxism

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What is the conservative view regarding tradition?


TRADITION: The institutions, customs and practices of a society that have developed over time

  1. Drawing on the ideas from Edmund Burke, conservatives maintain that tradition constitutes the ‘accumulated wisdom of the past’. According to this view, the institutions, customs and practices of the past such as the monarchy, heterosexual marriage have demonstrated their value to earlier societies as they have proved ‘fit for purpose’ over time and survived

For this reason they should be preserved, so that current and fufutre generations can also benefit

  • This view of tradition, clearly influences conservative attitude to change. According to conservatives, reform or change can only be justified if it evolves naturally in a peaceful, gradual manner in order to strengthen existing institutions, customs and practices.

By seeking to destroy all traditional, political and social institutions, the French in 1789 & the Bolsheviks in Russia 1917, were cutting themselves off from their past and paving the way for regimes that were more tyrannical than the ones they had toppled.

  1. Conservatives champion tradition because, in their view, it provides society and the individual with a strong sense of identity.
  • Long- established institutions, customs and practices are familiar & provide individuals with a historically based sense of belonging to a particular society.
  • Tradition fosters social cohesion & security, because it offers humans a reassuring collective sense of who they are & establishes powerful ties between people.

Conservatives claim that any attempt to implement radical, wide- ranging changes will cut people off from the traditional basis of society & inevitably lead to instability, anxiety and insecurity.

E.G New labour Governments constitutional changes in the late 1990s such as devolution, undermine the constitutional stability of the UK as the issue of Scottish Independance threatens the unity of the United Kingdom.

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What is the conservative view regarding Pragmatism?


**Pragmatism: Rejects theory & ideology in favour of practical experience **

Pragmatic thinkers are informed by empiricism & gave a deep distrust of the abstract theories favoured by political ideals such as socialism.

The approach to society should be flexible, with decisions being made on the basis of what works.

Pragmatism implies a flexible approach to politics that considers what is in the best interests of the people, what is acceptable & what will maintain social cohesion & stability.

Conservatives’ preference for pragmatism is strongly linked to their idea of human rationality.

  • They contend that Humans lack the intellectual ability and powers of reasoning to fully comprehend the complex realities of the world.
  • As a result, conservatives tend to dismiss abstract ideas, theories & ideologies that claim to ‘explain’ or ‘improve’ human life and development.

Principles such as Human rights, a classless society & equality are dangerous as they promote a radical reordering of society that leads to worse conditions.

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