Consent Flashcards
What is presumed consent?
Presumed consent is when the government assumes you are donating your organs until stated otherwise. This is known as an opt out system.
What is soft opt out?
Your family makes the final decision on whether your organs are donated
What is a hard opt out?
Whatever you have on your record is what happened to your organs and no other have a say in it.
What is a informed consent system?
That you must inform the government on your decision on whether you on the organ donation register. Also known as a opt in system. If you do not opt in then your organs cannot be used.
What is personal anatomy?
Means being able to make choices for yourself on when or if you want to donate. Changing from a informed to presumed consent system means the system is making the choice without your consent. Those who are unable to contact the NHS or communicate their concerns are damaged by this.
What are human rights (within consent)?
The right to privacy and opting in it out means that you will have to declare your opinion on organ donation to others. You have to give up your privacy to make the NHS aware.
What is Vulnerable in Society?
Those in society who are considered vulnerable and might not understand the changes or need to change their consent to organ donation. The soft opt in system in Scotland accommodates this by making those who are under 16, adults without the capacity to understand the system and those who have been living in Scotland for less than 12 months be opted out.
What is supply?
The presumed system increasing the supply of organs being used for the reason of the system’s change. A case in Brazil showed them having to change the system back to informed due to a oversupply of organs.
What is giving?
Those who opt in to a informed consent system having the opportunity to donate something to someone as an act of generosity. In a presumed consent system that option is taken away as instead of donating you are simply not objecting is in place.
What is medical integrity?
The relationship between the patient and the doctor. Doctors take oath called the Hippocratic oath of promise to uphold certain standards and do not harm patients. If every patient is to become a donor, there may be a risk of doctors starting to view dying patients as a collection of organs.
What is the Church of Scotland’s opinion on organ donation?
It breaches the sanctity of life and that all organs are a gift from god. They would be concerned about a change to a presumed system incase it leads to doctors seeing patients as spare parts (medical integrity)
Church of Scotland quote?
‘Life is wonderfully made and is a gift from god’ Psalm 139; 13
Hinduism’s opinion on organ donation?
We should be helpful and kind. Prolong life with all we can. They would donate their organs if that is what they wish. For a opt in system in order to protect those vulnerable in society from needing to donate and so they make choice them self.
Hinduism quote?
‘That which sustains life should be accepted and promoted as Dharma (righteous loving).’
What is utilitarianism?
Those who base their moral decisions on what would cause them self or others the most happiness. They would support an opt out system and do not care of the opinion of those vulnerable in society since they cannot donate organs as more organs equals more happiness.
Utilitarianism quote?
‘The presumed consent system would lead to a increase in organ donation and, consequently, a decrease in death caused by lack of organs.’ - British journal of nursing, article on the utilitarian response to organ donation
What is a humanist?
Someone who places human beings above all and wishes to treat everyone with respect and kindness. Would be in favour of a presumed consent system due to wishing to respect all decisions on donation but also save the lives of humans.
Humanist quote?
‘An opt out system increases the number of organs available for transplant, saving lives.‘- Humanist UK website